Breath is the beginning because it is energy; breathing not only brings in the prana, chi or orgone but full breathing moves the energy within you. Dr. Wilhelm Reich called the energy and feelings moving in your body orgone and the sensations of the movement streamings. He taught his patients how to begin to acces these feeling by breathing unrestrictedly.
The problem with breathing and knowing who you are begins at birth. Like the possum who feigns death to avoid notice babies shut down their breathing instinctively, to avoid the awareness of horrible birth practices. In the baby particularly breathing will shut down awareness: for the baby consciousness is powered by breath. Life for everyone is powered by breath but in babies there are no memories or distractions or addictions to allow you to escape abuse; babies escape is often an out of body experience(a baby form of meditation) fueled by shallow breathing.
Mother also finds escape in shallow breathing; in enlightened birth practices deep breathing is practiced but unconsciously blocked by repression. Armored Mothers choose Cesarean sections and often it's recommended. The shutting down of consciousness after birth abuse makes life easier for parents, doctors and nurses. Modern birth for the baby, parents and help is like a trip to a war zone.
Shallow breathing allows everyone not to feel. Unrestricted breathing hardly exists in our culture.
Consciously trying to change your breathing patterns is tremendously difficult because the act of consciously breathing reminds you unconsciously of ones traumatic birth and other traumas.
Shallow breathing was the first habit that saved you from experiencing birth horrors; one feels safe not to feel. Safety allows the baby to sleep through the trauma. Any habit is difficult to change and because breathing is instinctive and is the first template, the first mold, the first impression, it is the hardest to change.
Shallow breathing allows everyone not to feel. Unrestricted breathing hardly exists in our culture.
Consciously trying to change your breathing patterns is tremendously difficult because the act of consciously breathing reminds you unconsciously of ones traumatic birth and other traumas.
Shallow breathing was the first habit that saved you from experiencing birth horrors; one feels safe not to feel. Safety allows the baby to sleep through the trauma. Any habit is difficult to change and because breathing is instinctive and is the first template, the first mold, the first impression, it is the hardest to change.
Breathing is the engine that begins awareness, and compressing, restricting the musculature in the diaphragm stops the intake of energy and the movement of energy in the body: shallow breathing stops awareness, perception of the energy movement and particularly holding back exhalation can cause a inward, restricted flow of of Orgone, anxiety. All of us breathe, we all take breathing for granted. Unrestricted breathing moves feelings, without full breathing life's meanings become unknowable. Many full breaths need to be inhaled before the new feelings appear. Sadly one needs to go through Pandora's Box (baby and child trauma) to access unrestricted breathing: for most of us a long and difficult journey.
When you begin to experience full breathing there is the realization that there is hope. Hope is the realization that you can change your life and move towards pleasure. Being conscious of one's breathing is experiencing Orgone, the automatic completion of the inhale and the release of the exhale. Over time Orgone will be experienced entering the lungs automatically and will stimulate a filling completion. Addictions, like breathing move feelings often not consciously: Temporary addictions are better than no feelings because any feeling is better than having no pleasure. When you experience full breathing you do not need addictive habits because full breathing allows pleasurable feelings to be safely who you are: a person who is truly alive, no longer confused. Breathing lets you know that you are living.
When you begin to experience full breathing there is the realization that there is hope. Hope is the realization that you can change your life and move towards pleasure. Being conscious of one's breathing is experiencing Orgone, the automatic completion of the inhale and the release of the exhale. Over time Orgone will be experienced entering the lungs automatically and will stimulate a filling completion. Addictions, like breathing move feelings often not consciously: Temporary addictions are better than no feelings because any feeling is better than having no pleasure. When you experience full breathing you do not need addictive habits because full breathing allows pleasurable feelings to be safely who you are: a person who is truly alive, no longer confused. Breathing lets you know that you are living.