Saturday, January 16, 2021

Shared Addiction

Lacking Orgone knowledge, our families struggle even in the best families, to understand how to manage a successful family without becoming dysfunctional. Contrarily the miracle of a shared babies early years enhances Orgone and the baby's oneness is magical. Parents and baby resonate together. Parents are taken back to there own remembrance of pleasure, (Orgone flow). It is a heady time when heaven is written in one's body. Orgone increases and reinforces joy, warmly establishes a continuation of the trusting family. Being a family moves Orgone and becomes a phenomenal time.

Trouble  begins for many reasons. A second child becomes necessary to keep the special miracle of wonderful unknown Orgone movement. Of course the first child can not help feel rejected. All the attention is on the new child.

Money, and the need for it adds to anxiety. But more troubling is the unconscious collapse of the Orgone. The pleasure for being with the baby needs to be released in relaxing and adult satisfaction. There is no extended family in our transitional culture. Juggling has worn the parents out and the children are left on there own to find the ingredients for a satisfactory life. Most of us will turn to some form of escape or addiction to soothe our ennui. The culture has orchestrated a survival of the family first and has ignored the true interdependence that insures the cultures survival.

Parents responsibility is comprehensive. True concern for the children, being unconscious of Orgone, manifests as protective family rules. That is the parents focus and as the love grows weaker, the sexual needs evaporate. 

Taking care of one's children causes Orgone movement. Reaching out and being responsible drives the Orgone. Both parents  share unifying actions that move the Orgone. This shared behavior is addictive. As the marriage ages and sexuality loses intensity desire for new different Orgone movement develops. Wanting the benefits of being part of a family, some Orgone movement, like an addiction will promote more control to insure the continuation of the families safety.

The parents intentions are oblivious to their Orgone. It is a desire of theirs to have a loving life. It functions somewhat. Parents having no knowledge that Orgone will be needed to sexually be released proceed to accumulate armor. At some point Orgone will be released. Usually it will be secretive and justified. It is uncontrollable. Armor has coiled through the body, blocking pleasure, and demanding release. Being spontaneous, children finding their own choices causes adult anxiety. Children need very little from adults. But parents have children to give adults a purposeful life. The family runs into trouble.

Parental relationship lacks knowledge. Human instinct responds by caring till children are mature. Humans need to step back and allow children to live in community, developing in freedom to explore spontaneously without adult neurosis: concurrently  allowing parents freedom to explore a healthier life.

Psychologically the culture and the family's dynamic demand control. To succeed in this culture demands sublimation and later addiction. Knowing oneself will be forgotten.The need for close animal contact will not be addressed. Becoming conscious of all the family dynamics will have to wait.

Tragically buried self-knowledge will perpetrate confusion and misery leading to addiction. Being obsessive about making sure the family is successful is a two edge sword. First it blocks contradictory ideas about how a family should work, and it allows some Orgone movement.  All find a secondary Orgone, addiction, safe as all are involved with the families continuation.

The entanglement and development of the family social survival mentality has been determined by an uncooperative social ignorance. Though there are other healthier family modalities, the addictive needs have blinded any awareness of them and progressed into the horrific Emotional Plague. Beginning with huntergathers and morphing into family farms ruthless kings forced taxation structures. This new form of governance encouraged violent acquisitions. The social dynamic, nuclear families, led to a incestuous unconscious that caused blocked Orgone flow. Continuing with the explosion of world population making it impossible to make social change.

Humans supposedly higher species, unlike other mammals, do not massage baby, definitely not lick, and breast feeding is hidden and too time consuming and especially too intimate. The loss of the teaching of love, of shared pleasure, reverberates continually in friends, and intimate future relationships. If the knowledge  of Orgone which is part and parcel of beginning life is not shared, validated, a stillness like a non moving stream will lead to a search for meaning, Orgone meaning. The loss will only be understood, retrieved, recognized in depth therapy. Orgone Therapy will unravel the contempt, the grandiose armor laying bare the dead unmoving fantasy that has murdered one's life. 

The family can be accompanied by money worries, anxiety, sexual misery. The family goes forward by successfully eliminating anxiety, through making the continuation of the family a success; the OCD  of the family is the family success. OCD is super pressured forced monied success.

 Being part of my primal family was numbingly inclusive, and unknown to me abusive. My Orgone, was my  hidden consciousness; invisibly insuring my obedience. I fitted  in unquestioning into the families survival: no escape, reminding me of Melville's short story Bartleby The Scrivener. My family like Bartleby's is locked into a cultural dead end; no one was able to show there true self and was isolated from each other  My families presence was so complete that I never had any wish that it would be different. 

Without physical Orgone release, non sexual touch, family members will seek addictive choices. The family sadly leaves out sexual satisfaction and Orgone movement. Not experiencing the abuses that lead to blockages, armor that cause wrong choices, addiction and secondary emotions one misses out on the pleasures of being a human.