Monday, July 9, 2007

What Map Were You Given?

As soon as you're born they make you feel small.
By giving you no time instead of it all.
Till the pain is so great you feel nothing at all.

Working Class Hero by John Lennon

Words are like vapors; soon to disappear into the next thought, distraction,
or escape. A word of warning use these words as an innocent starting point.
Only in action can words have meaning in your day to day existence. Words are my
addiction hoping to connect. Words are not a substitute for true learning. Dr. Reich said "a person seeking to help themselves is like a person trying to pull themselves out of quicksand by their own hair"

The lack of orgone awareness resulted from the birth process: often the baby is scared witless by strong lights, awful eye drops, long painful delivery, and circumcision. Separation from the mother (poor or no breast feeding) or lack of sensual contact with the mother further drives the baby inward. The expression of energy, Orgone disappears. Orgone
streaming; like a gentle shower stops. Similar to a dam there is a blockage.
Since the block stops awareness you feel safe; like Joyce's walking dead. 

Holding your breath blocks awareness of feeling in the newborn.
Holding your breath deadens you. Restricted breathing armors the body causing the first split between instinct and fantasy. All in all a recipe for the neurotic's search for self satisfaction, and meaning. Not only is traumatic birth and abusive childhood the root cause of the repression of feeling alive but it is the mold that allows one to acquiesce to the abuse of parental and medical authority.

Experiencing the Orgone streaming directs the organism towards satisfying goals.
The problem is what addictions will we use to imitate the loss of Orgone streaming. Orgone, energy accumulates in the body and needs to be  released. The four step energy release formula is one of Dr. Reich's great accomplishments. The lack of full orgasmic discharge leads to finding other addictive behaviors to release partial energy (Orgone).

Doctors and parents have had the same birth and culture they are about to imitate you into. If you are lucky your confusion will lead
you to seek Orgone Therapy. Denial
is prevalent in our culture driven by our addictions. We escape into having out feet in the river and looking at the pyramid of life; yet we have no idea we are in denial.  Addictions are a temporary charge that relieves the horrible confusion and provides a temporary respite. Addictions are one type of map that points to a false oasis.