Monday, August 20, 2007

The Addictive Problem

The more I circle around the bases about addiction the more I remember that Dr. Reich said it would take two to three hundred years while working with orgonometrically trained professionals to unlock full functioning adults. 

I am miserable when I continually realize how moving forward is so isolating from my fellow humans. The miserable blessing of addiction is that it allows one to forget isolation and awareness. If you want to die with a little bit of pleasure addiction is one of the better ways to go.

To be aware is Nirvana.
Tiny steps brings the intuitive knowledge that
consciousness even in small steps is way more interesting and satisfying than addiction. Addiction is a treadmill that one must step off of and replace the addiction with life affirming actions.

1. Admit you need help. The biggest hurdle is recognizing how lost you are.

2. Practice what your teacher has taught you.

Breathing is where you begin.
Deceptively innocuous breathing is the doorway to your whole self.
Humans love feeling pleasure. Pleasure is the energy expanding to the surface of your body and breathing moves the energy. Problem  our culture supports no understanding of energetic pleasure and instead sublimation and survival vie for ones habitual attention.

If your energy doesn't expand by breathing than you will find other addictive substitutes
to expand your energy. These addictive's reside outside your body and are not
integral. When you are breathing and experience yourself, life is simple and often pleasurable. Addiction causes unhealthy loss of control because the pleasure is never totally satisfying and the addictive always seeks to be satisfied.

Breathing moves the flow of Orgone, or energy which stimulates emotions.
Knowledge of who we are is the ideas that forms after the repetition of emotions. Now we
are beginning to understand how humans function. Humans seek knowledge of who we are, and the understanding of what we need for happiness..

The journey to satisfaction, pleasure and happiness is complex because humans
bury their feelings to survive our complex world. Dr. Reich recognized the trap of our civilization and taught his patients how to feel. Orgone.