Friday, December 7, 2012


Yes for some there is love, and fulfillment, and for others addictive sexual encounters. A primal drive, sexuality, that is neglected leads to not only sublimation but the need to express a confined sexuality in strange and unhealthy ways, addiction.

The body is the reservoir of memory. The mind forgets. Early trauma is buried and the mind locks the disappointment, the abuse, by contracting the musculature which freezes the memory of the Orgone movement, and occupies ones unconscious attention in the holding, stilling of the Orgone.  When one unlocks, through Orgone Therapy than the Orgone releases into a movement of energy, Orgone, that Dr. Reich described as streaming. Consequently the Orgone stimulates the mind to what happened in the past and the unconscious becomes conscious What an amazing experience that is when ones realizes the unconscious exists.

So yes one can remember the early abuse, the difficult birth and many other pleasant and unpleasant baby and childhood memories. Reliving forgotten childhood feelings will open pathways that that are more satisfying than the addictive substances or behaviors that obfuscates realization. Satisfaction is short lived  for the addicted, just some Orgone that moves to the periphery of the body which causes some pleasure and ultimately the addictive cycle continues.

Dr. Reich proved that excess Orgone needs to be released through orgasm. If orgasm is limited, aborted, the consequences of the excess Orgone not released, is often an unconscious misery that will be released through inappropriate, distorted behavior. Haven't we all been mean, or cruel or seen others acting out. These neurotic behaviors are directly attributed to sexual frustration
The movement of Orgone after orgasm enlightens the consciousness with satisfaction and understanding. Knowledge beyond words is the feeling of gratitude for your partner and a smile that yes life does make sense. There is no addictive substance that can replace mutual orgasm and seeking such is continual misery.