This blog is for people who have been in Orgone Therapy or have an inclination to try it. I have found that understanding the results
of the therapy is never understood by anyone unless they have been in
the therapy.
I am not a Doctor, though I have forty years of nutritional knowledge from being in the natural foods industry and became a certified Massage Therapist. Though I have many of the same opinions as Orgone
Doctors. I have no agenda to promulgate. I am not
promoting any practice and I don't get paid. What I am doing is
thanking the Therapy that saved my life, and thanking the men and women
who have gone before me by telling my story and hope it will
encourage you to get some help. All of this helps me by moving my
Orgone and allows me to connect which feels good and again as always
moves the Orgone. This can all seem strange to people who have never
been in Orgone Therapy or who are just exploring the information.
A caveat on seeking Therapy. I take my point of view from The Zen
Buddhists who recognize the importance of what teacher you had or what
teacher the teacher had. During Dr. Reich's lifetime not only
did he progress into different theories and procedures but teach
different doctors. These Doctors then would use different aspects of the therapy. Do ask these Therapists who they were in therapy with and what years were there teachers taught. After Doctor Reich died different schools developed by the remaining Doctors. In a later blog I will relate what I know about there differences.
One example of not understanding Orgone Therapy is when Therapists call the Therapy Reichian Therapy. Dr .Reich was very careful not to call his Therapy Reichian.. Dr. Reich recognized that Orgone science was the paradigm, not his name.
Having tried many Therapists to see how they practice "Reichian Orgone Theory", I am convinced that Orgone Therapy by Dr.Reich, that he continually developed in his later years is the one to seek.