Saturday, October 19, 2013

Orgonomic Development

Addictive habits can be helped. Orgonomic Therapy has helped me. My character, each person's character, must be felt, understood, and only then will the addiction be relieved.

Information can be helpful in the patients understanding of the different schools of Therapy that developed after Dr. Reich died. The addict, a general term for anyone who uses any thing to promote a release of Orgone that is not caring, life preserving and is ultimately painful. The following information is my subjective experience and I welcome others to the blog sharing there experience.

I have been disappointed with the Orgone Therapists persona's since Dr. Reich died. I wanted one of them to step up and be more like Dr. Reich. Dr. Reich recognized the need for a major cultural shift in the priorities of the western culture and was willing to be the catalyzing force.  Orgone Therapists today: none have Dr. Reich's startling brilliance or historical synchronicity. No one wants to die in prison, and I understand that Ike Dr. Reich. I was fortunate to have a great Therapist and realize that as I hear him continually directing me. Other Orgone type Therapists I have met have been a disappointment; they have modified Dr. Reich's protocol.

I haven't found much information or historical records on the followers of Dr. Reich. Most of my information is through biographical reading of Dr. Reich, or from the Wilhelm Reich Museum, and through contact with different Therapists. If anyone has further information or would like to pursue dialogue with me or live videos with Dr. Reich's followers I would be interested.

As Dr. Reich moved from one country to another he trained Doctors in his present Therapy. As his Therapy changed often his Doctors changed. I have no idea who the Doctors he influenced in 1930's. Most would have been influenced by his first edition of widely influential book Character Analysis. There are some Doctors in Norway who are still using Dr. Reich's Therapy, Vegeotherapy.

In the late 1940's Dr. Reich had developed his Orgone Theories and had discovered the many breakthroughs that would revolutionize his Therapy. Unfortunately the Therapy is difficult and depends on a thorough realization by the Therapists, which in unpracticed hands could bring out social difficulties. The dissolving of Character is a long and difficult process and often when unfinished leads to major difference of opinions. There were many Therapists learning from Dr. Reich who would never  finish Orgone Therapy, never less start there own incomplete version, and after Dr. Reich's death argue how to further continue Dr. Reich's work.

 Dr. Baker, well respected Orgone therapist, author of Man in The Trap, and the founder of the American College Of Orgonomy. The first difficulty I have with Dr. Baker is his Eulogy at the Funeral of Dr. Reich. For me it is pathetically under appreciative, lacks any passion. How can a memoriam be so dry: a tumultuous time that needed an overwhelming acknowledgement.
After Dr. Baker's book came out Dr. Raphael sued Dr. Baker. I wouldn't say that Dr. Raphael law suit against Dr. Baker was hidden but usually there is difficulty learning about it. 
"Dolarhyde bore screams as a sculptor bears dust from the beaten stone,"( Red Dragon Thomas Harris pg. 99) Dr. Baker and his followers are cold; the loss of empathy causes an inappropriate anger. The Therapists role is to awaken the flow yet not lose his humanity by sleeping, wearing headphones or leaving the room. The Orgone Therapist must see the patient as more than dust. I have known many Dr. Bakers patients and all have a hair trigger, quick to anger. They feel it's OK to use any situation to unleash held in old anger.

Another influential Therapist, Fritz Perls, the Founder Of Gestalt Therapy and a former Wilhelm Reich patient and student. As a consultant for Mendocino Hospitable he often would help with patients. He was  known to be startlingly perceptive. The patient would often be so amazed and would go into temporary shock. The other Therapists found it difficult to integrate the analysis. I didn't have personal contact with Dr. Perls but was often at Mendocino Hospitable as a volunteer.  

I was fortunate to begin work five blocks from Dr. Myron Sharaf. As a young man he was an early translator, and part of the inner circle for Dr. Reich and wrote a biography of  Dr. Reich, Fury On Earth, a fascinating read.
Later when I compared my Therapy with Dr. Sharaf's I was surprised that he didn't use Dr. Reich's classic approach that was so effective with me. In asking Dr. Sharaf why he didn't use Dr. Reich's approach, he said, "because it didn't work for him". Ultimately I saw this statement as being contradictory as in all his talks Dr. Sharaf was very insightful of Dr. Reich's Therapy. 

I also sat with a Therapist from Argentina who had studied with an Italian Orgonmist. He had his own take on Dr. Reich's Therapy. He used  his eyes forcefully to make mutual eye Orgone contact. Though it was somewhat effective it was not body oriented, and definitely didn't use Orgone Therapy.

I saw a Therapist from the Dr. Herskowitz School. Dr. Herskowitz  had been in Therapy with Dr. Reich. This particular therapist, a women, was well meaning and talented and again not hands on. 

Other Therapies can still be helpful in there own way and each can help unlocking the addictive tragedy. The path to knowledge is not straight. Though I hold critical views I know it would be silly not to to try other Therapists if Orgone Therapists are not available.

I was fortunate to have Dr. Rinn as my therapist. He had been in Therapy with Dr. Albert Duval who had been in Therapy with Dr. Reich and practiced Orgone Therapy as developed by Dr. Reich. Dr. Duval had moved to L.A.. There is controversy about Dr. Duval's practice. I believe the problems are when  the patient does not want to experience past abuse.

Dr. Rinn and Orgone Therapy saved my life. Dr. Rinn put up with my young, armored character. Looking back I am completely amazed by his perception.