For the longest time I would hear people saying that everything is made up of energy. Oh I can read energy once in a while. I would see that in a book. Though I never met anyone who could or at least didn't share that info with me. I am hear to tell you I can. As always it starts with knowing yourself. Feeling your own energy moving through you. How energy can fill you up, Open you up like a balloon expanding. Then one day pop I could see Orgone in others. Just lately I could see people with way too much filled energy. Like a balloon it can burst. That means that person is vulnerable to losing control. One that they don't know is going on. They are probably uncomfortable. What will release the "pressure? Often that desire to release can be a precursor to addiction. When you find that something that makes you able to relax because you let off some pressure cooker steam then you can rest. Now finding that ingredient, like food, coffee, booze, sex, can be dangerous. especially if it's the only avenue you have to understanding how to release the tension.
Being that I have not met anyone outside of Orgone Therapy that has a clue that feelings actually move within the body. Is it no wonder that I am surrounded by everyone who have zero understanding of the flow of Orgone in them and in nature. Instead they have zeroed in on survival and work and this moves there Orgone unconsciously. Often it takes a complete failure in functioning to lead them into Therapy.
But for those who never make it to Therapy, they have found some way to find limited pleasure that keeps them going: often it is a an addiction. Over time and maturing peoples need for orgasmic release is so powerful that not having it will augment strange, bizarre behavior. These behaviors release some Orgone and allow us to seem normal and fit into our culture. But they are secretive, they are addictive, and they are becoming the headlines. There are many whose behaviors go to such extreme that they wind up in hospitals, prisons, or dead.
But for those who never make it to Therapy, they have found some way to find limited pleasure that keeps them going: often it is a an addiction. Over time and maturing peoples need for orgasmic release is so powerful that not having it will augment strange, bizarre behavior. These behaviors release some Orgone and allow us to seem normal and fit into our culture. But they are secretive, they are addictive, and they are becoming the headlines. There are many whose behaviors go to such extreme that they wind up in hospitals, prisons, or dead.
My addictive habits were a burden, I an thrilled. I understand them. Living among people who have no Orgone streaming is isolating. Like ants we are small and need help. Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed Orgone Therapy and for me it was a life savior.