Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ellipittlical future

 I am experiencing the universe as a hologram. A spiral plant designs is symbolic of our Galaxy. Our semen like a billion stars, a race to fertilization. 
Only taking 4. 5 billion years for the merger to elliptical. Outward expanding eternal pleasure. We're talking the macro, the spiral Galaxies and everything moving outward. The micro on Earth is a yin yang eternal progress. Life in the micro is streaming outward.

William Blake said If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wiseSurprise when anxiety leads to knowledge. Dr. Reich's four part Orgone theorem. The revolutionary template describing the movement of Orgone in Homo Sapiens.

First is Armor the great denial of abuse, known as armor. Then the awakening, anger, fear, sadness panic, and pleasure. Knowledgeable culmination into protective habits  into disassociation, a living dullness. Then the cycle repeats till a deeper realization.

Having awareness is a great opportunity to catch the golden ring, circular and elliptical. Once seeing the vision gives hope. Often it can be a symbolic direction that appears unexpectedly. Finding the thread that leads to applying the Orgone movement is momentous. 
Emerge, merge, blend, expand.

Wished for changes in the Elliptical.

1. In the Spiral  everyone is vulnerable, the abusers flourish.

2.  In the Elliptical.
Exceptions find great success, the abusers are ignored and have no power over the exceptions.

3. The material world can be left any time. Being Orgone means enlightened: Orgone.
Can return for bodily pleasure at your discretion.

4. As Jesus said  the poor will always be here, and he isn't and I won't and you won't. The Spiral Galaxy is a kindergarten for idiots: for the struggling masses who spend millions of  years getting ready to move on: no longer being  the abusers, the war mongers, the sadists. Here on earth finally become enlightened into a new beginning, intelligent, rational: progress to the elliptical.

Quotes  from John MacDonald. A small taste of frustration that inhabits us.

"If I were the king of the world, I would roam my kingdom in rags, incognito, dropping fortunes onto the people who are nice with no special reason to be nice, and having my troops lop off the heads of the mean, small, embittered little bastards who try to inflate their self-esteem by stomping on yours. I would start the lopping among post office employees, bank tellers, bus drivers and pharmacists. I would go onto checkout clerks, bell boys, prowl-car cops, telephone operators and U.S. embassy clerks. By God, there would be so many heads rolling here and there, the world would look like a berserk bowling alley. Meyer says this shows a tad of hostility.”

McGee has achieved independence from "plastic credit cards, payroll deductions, insurance programs, retirement benefits, Green Stamps, time clocks, newspapers, mortgages, sermons, miracle fabrics, deodorants, checklists, time payments, political parties, lending libraries, television, actresses, Junior Chambers of Commerce, pageants, progress and manifest destiny." John Macdonald

Sunday, October 27, 2019

plague success

Hardly any one I  know has heard of Dr. Reich or the emotional plague. The term Emotional Plague immediately is ignored. It is like a nuclear bomb to the ignorant, better to never acknowledge the Emotional Plague. 

The emotional plague is an all inclusive term coined by Dr. Reich, describing the emotional illness that is characterized by secondary Orgone.1. Emotional Plague characters are tense, frustrated, been abused and have no awareness of their emotionally retarded character. The Emotional Plague like other diseases is passed on by direct contact. At the best case plague parents inadvertently abuse their children. Trauma causes the Emotional Plague.

Plague afflicted focus on other people, particularly at work. Often positions of authority are used maliciously. EP People are so stiff, emotionally blocked, that releasing meanness, intellectually sadism, is their only pleasure and justifies their actions. There is no emotional expression except their belief that they are always right. Discussing Dr. Reich's work is quickly ignored. Though if the culture would value it there would  be recognition and interest. Another major difficulty is the lack of Orgone Therapists, in New England, none. To travel to see one is expensive, upwards of 300 an hour.

Orgonomically a past abusive trauma caused the contraction of Orgone and the build up of armor. Being unaware of armor, and the gradual increase of  blocked Orgone will ultimately cause you to act out. Addiction is a major way of escaping the pain of the past and at the same time releasing some Orgone. 

I became aware through therapy that I developed what Dr. Reich called armor. Armor is an involuntary defense that we use to keep us safe from being aware of abuse. Armor becomes totally inclusive. It is through armor, Orgone pushing against armor that we perceive the world.
A baby organism is unified, intuitive, moving. If  circumcised, or other abuses then Orgone collapsed (depression). Orgone as pleasure is forgotten when the abuse is constant. Early acting out, like intense crying seems like it is never understood. Ultimately the hurt, the pain becomes a memory, unconscious: burying the unified person is essential because the pain must not be shown. Family rejection, or the fear of death by the abusers becomes the driving force of isolation.

Everything seemed normal growing up. I felt life would never change and it was alright. I had no doubts. I proceeded and felt protected by the continual consistency of my environment, everyone was the same. It was best to fit in. Sometimes someone would act out and it was too bad. What allowed me to carry on was a very protective device I developed as a baby. It was I won't experience the neglect, medical cruelty, and being overlooked.  

The forgotten held Orgone will still be needed to be released. Addiction, perversion, and other secondary emotions will appear to release some Orgone and will not be understood. Emotional Plague is a perverted release.

Having the Plague is characterized by obsessive activity, addictions, unconscious destructive behavior. The worst Plague is the Emotional Plague; other Plagues have disease symptoms. Emotional Plague is hidden in plain sight, invisible to the afflicted. Only by unease, trouble, understood intervention, fortunate karma will Orgone Therapy be sought. If your fortunate Orgone Therapy can unravel the original template.

We are the witnesses to Orgone. It is our heritage to be amazed, glorified, and enormously satisfied, pulsing deeply with the opposite sex. These fabulous feelings have been stolen from us by ignorance. The thirst for continual Orgone streaming, filling, will happen spontaneously once you have stepped on these paths.

1. Character Analysis Third Enlarged Edition Pg. 150
     Footnote. the conflict between inhibited primary impulse and armor leads to the formation of  
     secondary, antisocial impulses (sadism, etc.). Primary biological impulses break through the 
     armor, in doing so, they are changed into destructive-sadistic impulses.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Tom called me to the apartment.
Birds were squawking in the chimney.
We knocked a broom into the dank hole.
Down came 4 pulsing orbs.
Huh how can they be alive; there
Were no wings, or eyes just pulse.
A strong pulse.
The pulse has no name, it
Asks for none. I on the other hand
Pounding a glow, "look at me".

Tom came up with a solution; he put
Them on a the boardwalk and
He said, the seagulls will have a treat.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

no answer

When the green phlegm boils up, I swear at the culture of death, the brain dead
doctors, the cavern hospitals, tables filled
with basement bodies. Then the doctors off to Italy.

afterwards when I walk for years alone, no
longer breathing you in, smelling
you, then the tears.
i grieve to the flowers.
i breathe in the pure earth.

Take these tears I say and return.
Red rose, temporary respite.
Often I stop and look for others, 
Hyacinth, Lilac, Lilies. Then
The moan, the tears, the broken
Blue eyes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

heels dug in


Anxiety without informative preparation is a unsettling feeling, one I didn't like or understand. Better to go back to what I was before I felt anxious. Often that means being part of your initial family where one learns to repress anxiety by adapting one's character to living with denial. My problem was I knew instinctively that was wrong. 

I have noticed that people who have never experienced leaving home, or continually return to visit, having a status quo acceptance of their family will not venture forth, instinctively will not experience anxiety, (Orgone Therapy teaches how to experience anxiety.) and blindly use cultural addictions to cover up anxiety.

I had to go back to my original time when I became fully anxious and not have a clue why I was anxious or even have a name for how I was feeling. I just knew I needed help: I could not stand how I felt. Fortunately for me I had Dr. Rinn. He had learned Orgone Therapy from Dr. Duval who learned it from Dr. Reich. 

Initially Orgone Therapy was totally annoying, confusing, and disturbing. But amazingly I would walk out of the office feeling, lighter, like all the pieces were beginning to fit. Now reviewing my initial anxiety upheaval I recognized that I was alone in San Francisco. I had left my wife and I was living alone. No friends either as it was a transient time for most twenty year old's during the Vietnam war, college decisions and just a lot of moving around. Thankfully I was working and work kept me afloat. Work gives ones purpose, deadlines and and it's drive fills Orgone. Only work is not enough.

Humans are social animals and hanging with each other brings comfort. I reached out to women and the satisfaction of intimacy was peaceful. I was beginning to be aware that I had feelings besides anxiety. I became aware that I would feel good with groups of people, like in business meetings. With time I realized that everyone felt better when together, like in a functioning family. Orgone moves positively when in groups, it is part of our biology. There is no conscious control. It is just unconscious; meaning your consciousness will only feel it as positive.

People seek activities unknowingly that release Orgone, but it is shallow; addiction is a release that demands repeating to release some Orgone. Unless one has had enlighten parents, fortunate karma then Orgone Therapy is either not available, or too expensive or not known. 
Addictions cover deep dysfunction and when the addiction becomes socially dangerous, like  the Opioid Crisis, than people get desperate and choose Therapies that are incomplete and  tragically overlook Orgone Therapy.

Those in dysfunction like there power for it allows for there addictive lifestyles. Culture addictions are a substitute for a singular fully unified orgasmic existence. Culture has developed restrictive behaviors  to block Orgone memories that would remind individuals of previous abuse.

Why do people dismiss Orgone Therapy?

The traditional Family. The Oedipal complex,  is a term used by Sigmund Freud in his theory of psycho sexual stages of development to describe a child's feelings of desire for his or her opposite-sex parent, and jealousy and anger toward his or her same-sex parent. The traditional family sexually confused, economically challenged, socially damaged instinctively relies on parental authority to stifle Orgone growth. The obsession on children leaves little room for self development, and defended, by the culture. 

Travelling brings out feelings which would be good if it was based on actually feeling Orgone.  Travelers feel excited and feel better. Can be an escape, addiction from  a healthy Orgone lifestyle.

Work Addicted. Goes hand and hand with the family, the culture's continuity. Work if used to work for growth can be wonderful, but our culture work is 24/7 and is demanded to keep ones family afloat, and simultaneously becomes an escape from facing families dysfunction and families sexual entropy.

Tobacco. marijuana, liquor, coffee, economically justified,  besides socially accepted, provide a culturally accepted addictions.

Repressed Humans that are driven to survive by being Doers not Beings leaving little room for self realization and Therapy.

The use of Art, singing, writing, etc. is honored in our culture and is used to stimulate feelings that lie buried in the unconscious. Continued addictions to so called harmless arts hide deeper malfunctions.

Character Analysis by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. third enlarged edition, includes the preface to the first edition.
Dr. Reich states, "In a city like Berlin there are millions of people who are neurotically ruined in
their psychic. structure, in their ability to work and enjoy life; every hour of the day, familial education and social conditions create thousands of new neuroses."
The Twenty First has seen no relief from humans emotional problems and the continuation of Medical Orgone Therapy world wide denial.