Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ellipittlical future

 I am experiencing the universe as a hologram. A spiral plant designs is symbolic of our Galaxy. Our semen like a billion stars, a race to fertilization. 
Only taking 4. 5 billion years for the merger to elliptical. Outward expanding eternal pleasure. We're talking the macro, the spiral Galaxies and everything moving outward. The micro on Earth is a yin yang eternal progress. Life in the micro is streaming outward.

William Blake said If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wiseSurprise when anxiety leads to knowledge. Dr. Reich's four part Orgone theorem. The revolutionary template describing the movement of Orgone in Homo Sapiens.

First is Armor the great denial of abuse, known as armor. Then the awakening, anger, fear, sadness panic, and pleasure. Knowledgeable culmination into protective habits  into disassociation, a living dullness. Then the cycle repeats till a deeper realization.

Having awareness is a great opportunity to catch the golden ring, circular and elliptical. Once seeing the vision gives hope. Often it can be a symbolic direction that appears unexpectedly. Finding the thread that leads to applying the Orgone movement is momentous. 
Emerge, merge, blend, expand.

Wished for changes in the Elliptical.

1. In the Spiral  everyone is vulnerable, the abusers flourish.

2.  In the Elliptical.
Exceptions find great success, the abusers are ignored and have no power over the exceptions.

3. The material world can be left any time. Being Orgone means enlightened: Orgone.
Can return for bodily pleasure at your discretion.

4. As Jesus said  the poor will always be here, and he isn't and I won't and you won't. The Spiral Galaxy is a kindergarten for idiots: for the struggling masses who spend millions of  years getting ready to move on: no longer being  the abusers, the war mongers, the sadists. Here on earth finally become enlightened into a new beginning, intelligent, rational: progress to the elliptical.

Quotes  from John MacDonald. A small taste of frustration that inhabits us.

"If I were the king of the world, I would roam my kingdom in rags, incognito, dropping fortunes onto the people who are nice with no special reason to be nice, and having my troops lop off the heads of the mean, small, embittered little bastards who try to inflate their self-esteem by stomping on yours. I would start the lopping among post office employees, bank tellers, bus drivers and pharmacists. I would go onto checkout clerks, bell boys, prowl-car cops, telephone operators and U.S. embassy clerks. By God, there would be so many heads rolling here and there, the world would look like a berserk bowling alley. Meyer says this shows a tad of hostility.”

McGee has achieved independence from "plastic credit cards, payroll deductions, insurance programs, retirement benefits, Green Stamps, time clocks, newspapers, mortgages, sermons, miracle fabrics, deodorants, checklists, time payments, political parties, lending libraries, television, actresses, Junior Chambers of Commerce, pageants, progress and manifest destiny." John Macdonald