The now is always in the news. Be Here Now Ram Das named a fun book, Don't Look Back a Dylan title. Going over the past is difficult and by yourself, Dr. Reich said, "it is like pulling yourself out of quick sand by your own hair." Hiding in contactless was your template, when words didn't exist, Orgone was all and it stayed hidden. Streaming Orgone had intelligence but abuse made sure it wouldn't be accessed. Left after the difficult birth, untouched. Orgone must be reassured by continual touch or Orgone Streaming will stop.
The past holds ones incomplete understanding of fitting into one's nuclear family. Often overlooked, the early neglect, the medical tyranny, abusing babies is common practice. Held in that first template is how one sees or actually doesn't see the perpetrators of one's cruel beginning. Unfortunately being abused and emotionally limited leads to an unfulfilled and addictive life. One of the many wonders when recapitulating is finally understanding how the abusers hid in plain sight.
Breath is the door to the magic of the Orgone. In using the tools from Orgone Therapy I found Pandora's Box to be real. After decades of practicing suddenly the past emptied emotionally, the old held in emotional streaming appeared. I was amazed, happy and I let the past pour out like an exorcism; like an old movie, not the devil, but anger tied to memories that were waiting to be released. After letting go of held in constrictions I sank into my body.
Amazing the Orgone. The emergence is a reminder that I still needed to be alert to not giving up. That is what I did as a child. The early neglect is overwhelming, and paradoxically disappears after many extreme insults: paint them not there but at the cost of flattening, streaming Orgone. As an adult expressing outrage is necessary to overcoming their abuse.
I discovered that Orgone has streaming memory that stimulates thought. I believe there is uncountable surprises that humans have not accessed. Becoming alive instead of mechanical has led me to wonder about human beings mysterious abilities.