Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Love Expands

Often one hears let go of your holding. It's an important direction. Letting go is the opposite of tight pulled in knotted muscles. Sinking down; relaxing is letting go. Though it sounds easy it's not. Ones character was formed to function in an abused society; one's character spontaneously appears to hide the abusive memories. To compound the difficulty one's character is invisible to oneself. Orgone will react unconsciously against abuse and unknowingly becomes how one approaches the world. Impossible to relax when one is unconscious of how ones character was formed and its function.

Blocking abuse by not responding is accomplished by Orgone contraction, particularly in the fascia and the muscles: finally awareness becomes conscious with expressive breathing and emoting, and honesty. Breathing is particularly nasty. It's repressed, unconscious for good reasons: it dulls the abusive experience of repressed feelings. 

Finally feeling alive is letting go of denying, and having the courage ,and situation to tell the truth. You cannot experience streaming when contracted, stiff, frozen etc. Relaxing the muscles, letting go of the past contractions, of past abuse, showers the consciousness with Orgone. Now that sounds easy but it was functioning to keep one's Orgone from panicking. Orgone movement initially is disturbing. Shocking being alive. These new experiences alerts the consciousness of an earlier way of relating and though exhilarating, also is frightening, experiencing the initial lightening like movement of Orgone. 

Knowing expression, feeling, is the beginning of self regulation. Not relieving the past abuse is a recipe for expressing the abuse unconsciously: without a doubt a tragic ending. Breathing is in partnership with spontaneously expressing emotions. The streaming brings knowledge as memories resurface.

Important changes takes a willingness to follow instructions from your Orgone Therapist and your own consistent Orgone practice. It's no easy road. The primal insults, the babies first ones are hard to access and difficult to express. Yet even a small change, is a release of Orgone, improvement is wonderful and great incentive for continuing.

Letting go in our culture does not happen often, there are too many restrictions, but the insights are startling. One that amazed me is Orgone streaming. Orgone's expansion, potential, is the model for the universe; it's eternal continual procreation. Merging actualization is the driving universal design. Love is expansion, reaching for another and sharing love, releasing cosmic Orgone, eternal possibilities. 

Sadly addiction bypasses the streaming, compulsively blocks awareness and misses understanding. Addiction is taking the hammer and ringing the bell without feeling the Orgone fillings wisdom, the pulsing of shared sexual union. Sexual superimposition is knowing its not one's salvation but a way of expressing human enlightenment.
