Monday, February 27, 2023

No Models

Bright  lighting, silver nitrate, sterile birth conditions, drugged mother, then all the buried anger in the unconscious becomes a flag waving at you and a direction that needs to be followed. Yet that path is filled with a darkness made up of buried feelings that are bolted  down with an invisible fence worse than any dog fence. No one modeled how to emote,  a  being without affect. Not experiencing Orgone movement modeling  effects adult decisions, and results in a stunted life.

The first template is the birth process; contraction or deadening of the emotions proceeds to no movement in the birth cannel. Now they have to pull out baby or its an emergency. The unconscious remembers. Being pulled or stuck needs to be experienced bodily, Orgone Therapy will loosened the armor, the process will remind the consciousness of the birth. The Orgone collapse will become conscious and through Therapy expressing the lost anger. To be loved, to be validated, to have familiarity with ones Orgone, to understand, needed full body contact with a loving mother. Neglect will be a 2 AM wakeup. The child's scattered focus will seek an addicted anchor.

I asked my mother why she never came  into my bedroom to say goodnight. No kiss good night. No story ever. She said that was Dad's job. Except Dad was at work. The ramifications from her neglect are huge. The loss of connected streaming breeds a dark hole of anxiety: a twisted armature of confused reality. What was missing became an unconscious need to be filled. Poor connections will jeopardize future relationships, particularly with woman. . 

When neglect occurs the babies Orgone, streamings stays flat; contact with Mother, with the world narrows and imaginary substitutes, addictives become active. The past needs to be dug up, murdered. Expressing the rage at neglect puts you in touch with one's armor and aliveness that was buried. In expressing emotions the armor slowly begins to take a back seat to Orgone streaming.

Having no streaming example resulted in no conscious Orgone moment. The streaming of the mother and breast feeding reassures the baby of life's pleasure. Instead the continuation of stagnant streaming will butt into a addictive release, often sexual. Armor developed a strong habit that felt safe, Without loving contact one doesn't fully exist. Full bodily contact, the awakening breath, teaches how to be fully alive.