Did you get the love you needed as a baby, as a child as a adult? If you did you will quickly leave this blog. This blog is for those who chose an addictive pleasure to block the abuse that was infected on their life. Addictions are dangerous, damaging, and depressing. The addictive desire for emotional release, to feel pleasure is remarkably difficult to stop and hard to to understand.
Having been in Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, and continually practicing the therapy on myself, I noticed that everyone I met was addicting to find excitement, to experience pleasure.. I wrote this blog to understand why we choose addictions. In the blog I examine my past with Orgone Therapy.
Without Dr. Wilhelm Reich's heroic life and the Orgone therapy he developed, and the Orgone Psychiatric Therapy practiced by the master Therapist Dr. John Rinn, I would have missed being transformed, awakened to truly being alive. Amazingly his work is still being ignored. Join me in exploring the many ways Dr. Wilhelm Reich will be the genius of our time.