Thursday, September 4, 2008

New day

Every breath I take I give thanks to Dr. Reich and Dr. Rinn; Dr. Reich discovered how to unlock feelings in human beings and for Dr. Rinn for being wise and patient. Believe me Dr. Rinn saved my life by applying Dr. Reich's amazing Orgone therapy. Not only was I a middle class brat but an ex hippie wannabe rebel going nowhere. Soon to walk into a truck or a violent relationship. 

Addiction and denial were in every one of my breaths. I was frozen: couldn't let go and experience the natural expression of laughter without drugs. I felt so weird; felt so strange. When my ex wife who was seeing a Orgone Therapist laughed so deeply I knew I needed to see Dr. Rinn.

Addiction. If You or I could experience our flow of pulsating energy without freaking out both of us would be not only free of addiction but also have a satisfied and happy life. So much for wishes.
With every breath energy is taken in and stimulates the release of energy in the body.
How does the energy feel? Like a tingling. Like you belong. Like a bird lifting within you. Like the gentle roll of the ocean. Like a large amoeba pulsing and weirdly conscious.

Our energy should rise and fall like a wave: the in breath similar to falling wave and the out breath the upward swell of the wave all producing the rise and fall of the pulsating orgone within us. Unlocking the movement within us is the work: if love is rarer than gold it's because becoming Orgone aware is the job of a lifetime. Though every step feels good.

What holds one back becoming this new person?
Learning to express your feelings is like being born anew except tearing down ones armor is
letting go of the character that has stabilized and saved your life. Floating in Orgone sounds good but for the emotional plagued it a journey that makes conquering Everest seem easy.
But the view from half way is spectacular.


TINA said...

I love reading your blog sealharvey about addictions. I too was a middle class brat. To this day I'm still very spoiled. I have several addictions and your writings about them are very informative and interesting. A lot of people in the world have addictions. I find that I'm addicted to listening to Music and often drown myself in it every single day. Thank you for your very informative blog. You are an excellent writer and should publish a book!!

rich schulman said...

Hi Tina,

