Friday, April 27, 2012

Once upon a time

That baby has her toe in her mouth; she is so tiny and she can amazingly put her leg behind her head. Well we all could do that once upon a time. We were one totally with our bodies. What we thought we could do with our bodies we did and that became the problem. When the abuse came we were able to lock down the experience by preoccupying our consciousness with contraction. That contraction when reinforced by further abuse led to restriction, stiffness and finally armor.

Ultimately we went on and forgot the experience of moving Orgone. Life has been swallowed, has become a hidden river flowing deep within us: when the river surfaces the flow is palpable.

What happened to those soft muscles that were strong and
flexible like wet sponges? Our original state we felt whole, flowing, and appropriately moving towards pleasure. Risk taking with another would be a daily occurrence, and contact with the wonder that we are.

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