Sunday, January 26, 2014

Finding The Miracle

In Orgone Therapy a large amount of time is spent listening to how one's Therapists breathes, learning how to breathe by copying. You would think it would be easy but it is not. Breath is ones earliest defense. Shallow breathing is the earliest armor that protects one from feeling.

Growing up I had no knowledge my family was askew and simply I like any lemming would have died. What saved me as a child was going to kill me as an adult. Sports, eating too much food and not being at all conscious of the role I played in my family was not working for me. In fact it was causing a unnamed strange feeling, that was very uncomfortable. 

Now as a adult I was eating too much and having trouble holding a job. I was aloof, alone, anxious, without knowing what that meant, except I felt very weird, lost. I didn't even know denial existed and only through the genius of Dr. Reich, Dr. Rinn, I was able to experience myself in a way that allowed me to balance and feel pleasure, joy and yes anger, sadness also. But like any intense learning the Orgone work was very difficult and for a contemptuous, arrogant late 20 year old very challenging.

When one is born we are smiling Orgone. Wholly Orgone. When horrifying birth practices compress the Orgone, we shut down and we are in denial. These earliest experiences mold the Orgone into a one dimensional shallow character. Without expressing our primal emotions our armor develops to  repress our anger. The armor becomes the invisible way we experience, and react to our culture. Then as a adult ones unconscious angry patterns can be tested by needs that are not being met and a compulsion not understood can motivate anyone to seek an addicted release from the confusion from the ridged armor. 

Without help from an Orgone Therapist our childhood will poison our adulthood. Our childhood has to be felt; difficult, re-experiencing those earliest moments, it is the work of a lifetime. Don't let anyone tell you that Orgone Therapy is easy. So why did I do it? Whew. Why do Orgone Therapy if it so difficult?

The habits I developed were written in me like the stripes of a zebra and now I had to find the key, the thousand keys to make what was invisible, the unconscious appear. Orgone Therapy has the tools developed by Dr. Reich that took away the doubt, the confusion and allowed me to feel, and gave me the ability to express myself appropriately, well most of the time. The Therapy is hands on and gets through all the intellectual talk. You have to be ready to learn. Find the armor and want to express it.

Will Orgone Therapy work for you if you are not motivated by feeling really bad? I doubt it. If one finds addiction exciting and is able to ignore the severe long term consequences than the damage that we do to ourselves will never become conscious, unless a shock happens. I think you have to be drowning to want to do it. If you are a successful addict and have perfected your addiction than Orgone Therapy will not work. I have known people who would rather die rather then do the therapy, and Dr. Reich wrote that many patients he had died rather than stay in Therapy. No one wants to see there nuclear family, there neurotic mother and father, there broken family and how there unsatisfactory lives affected them. Going back and experiencing ones deranged parents, the lack of love can cause any one to want to run away. 

My addictive habits became unsatisfying and that is what continues to save me. Tasting a deeper satisfaction leads me to staying balanced. Without breath, I could not feel my own Orgone movement and not connect with a lovers The surprise in Orgone Therapy is feeling better by expressing the armor, the old hidden memories: understanding how feelings happen. Feeling right finally because I had feelings, palpable and releasing, and that is the key to staying with Therapy; being taught inch by inch the tools to change.
My addictive habits became unsatisfying and that is what continues to save me. Tasting a deeper satisfaction leads me to staying balanced.

Over time I learned, breath is the engine that propelled me to understand love. Love is the reaching out of Orgone in our bodies in connection and empathy to a shared lover. 
Without breath, I could not feel my own Orgone movement and not connect with a lovers. Breath stimulates the Orgone to expand as does love. Knowing love allows me to understand if the connection is deep or a temporary addiction. Feeling deeply allows me to make better choices.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Big Three and Addiction

"Love, work, and knowledge are the well-springs of our life. They should also govern it".

Dr. Reich thought so highly of Love, Work, and Knowledge that he acknowledged them should be the driving forces of of our lives. It is the epigraph in almost every book by Dr. Reich. I have thought why did Dr. Reich consider these three of such paramount importance. I wanted to understand . The answer only came to me through my own Orgone streaming. An awareness of emotions, streaming and it's spontaneous knowledge brought about an understanding of Dr. Reich's epigraph. Live those three and ones life will be fulfilled.
Work, Love, and Knowledge stream the Orgone. My belief is Dr. Reich's felt these three provided the most satisfying and wholesome expansions of Orgone.

The view promulgated by Dr. Reich is that Human Beings are Orgone (energy) producers and will produce an excess amount of Orgone that should be released through complete orgasm. (Armor, stilled Orgone, makes sexual fulfillment unsatisfactory.). Not releasing this excess Orgone will cause a myriad of troubles ranging from contemptuousness to schizophrenia. Being in denial and unaware humans seek unsavory ways of releasing there excess energy, often in addictive patterns. The release of some Orgone in pursuing an addictive path will never be enough to provide for a fulfilled lif

What can go wrong with Love, Work and Knowledge?
Having little access to deep Orgonomic connection parents are confused role models and focus on achievements, in our Western Culture, which puts huge pressure on children. In human society love is a mystery. Love is assumed as attention, caring, and modeling and these behaviors though important are rooted in  connection through the deep contact of intercourse. When Orgone is released in intercourse streaming pleasure is the fulfillment that keeps couples together happily.

Work seems to be the addiction of our culture.  Work is a slippery slope. Survival built into work can easily be justified by long hours, and excuses that seem reasonable. I have no time for reading; I have heard often enough or I am fine. Actually I have said versions of these myself. I worked 60 hours a week and had little time for  introspection and less time for meaningful connection. A deep rooted fear of losing control of my status and not receiving the attention I needed for survival had driven me to overwork. The culture of the West added to this crowning affect by giving work success all the rewards of a hero returning from battle.

Knowledge is an exciting avenue to explore ones engagement with Orgone. The pursuit of knowledge must be intricately combined with ones biological core. Knowledge understands full body streaming will interpreted the material world successfully. New information will be collected and tested by actual experience and not fantasy. Waiting for knowledge is an  active partnership with external Orgone. Pursue knowledge with love's pulse.

I was lucky enough to find help in Orgone Therapy and only Orgone Therapy helped me. Dr. Reich's revolutionary thoughts only can be understood by seeking Orgonomic Therapy. Love, Work, and Knowledge not only is an insightful pursuit but a guide for one's life.