Saturday, February 11, 2017


Humans will shrink when nature, parents, siblings become unresponsive to ones needs. If one pays attention one becomes conscious that something is wrong. When humans find no connection, no pleasure, and no satisfaction then one relieves the stagnation  through addiction. The buildup up of Orgone is ongoing, like a stiff hose that has the water turned way up, the addiction, the release, becomes  necessary when not living Orgonomically. 

The connection between you and the Therapist is essential. The movement of Orgone can reveal disturbing memories. The therapist during uncomfortable times helps comfort, and reminds that all is not lost by supplying a pleasurable connection. That uncomfortable feeling later can be understood but initially one needs help. Orgonomically the flow of energy initially can be haphazard, and definitely spontaneous. Being with a Therapist will help balance the Orgone movement. 

When humans find no connection, no pleasure, and no satisfaction then one relieves the stagnation  through addiction. The buildup up of Orgone is ongoing, like a stiff hose that has the water turned way up, the addiction, the release, becomes necessary when not living Orgonomically. 

Orgone Therapy has the knowledge, the understanding to stop perversion, and realign a deeper, releasing connection.
Then amazingly the insight happens and there it is, always there but I had blocked out my true experience. When  I spoke with affect I would be rejected: expanding reminds others that  their character was formed as a defense to control the pain of abuse. Every time I seriously emoted there would be a rejection: being near me was frightening. The movement of Orgone will seem alien to those who have not been in Therapy, a reminder of what is missing, and there response will be defensive, distancing, and denial.

Self examination, even with the help of my great therapist, Dr. Rinn is an ever on going riddle. I have protected myself from seeing my life successfully. I didn't let in the abuse that my family so well provided me with. I was not only invisible but inconsequential. They were busy getting there needs met and my needs were them and I for sure would get none met. 

I never felt, it was like eating without taste. In fact I had eliminated feelings. In that way I could carry on, on a very low level, similar to a  amoeba, just reflexively without conscious meaning, like living in a fugue; easy to be taken advantage of and abused.

Reich quote
… we are biological energy systems, absorbing and producing energy from the environment in the form of air and food. This energy fuels our life process and its movement and expression is experienced as sensation - love, anger, desire fear, longing. Surplus energy is discharged in work, play, thought and particularly sexually. If there are no permanent blocks to discharge we remain healthy, our vital life functions maintain themselves without disturbance. If our primary needs as children have not been satisfied, we form armoring to cut off the awareness of the pain and distress caused by this frustration.

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