Monday, May 10, 2021

Mangled Truth

After the Nazi Doctor's sadistically tortured, murdered millions everyone was shocked, in disbelief. Now in the U. S.A.. a less obvious torture is being practiced. Sadly it has been woven into the fabric of our culture and very difficult to stop. Beginning with Doctors who recommend cesarean surgery, circumcision, and ending with poisonous chemo. Their ignorance cloaks awareness and reminds that a fantastic lie is easier to believe than the truth. Flying lying is an addiction that moves orgone. Being ignorant and dependent on cult like Doctors leads to a horrible death.

Ignorance in everyday life is hard to recognize. The movement of the body in pursuing goals (Orgone pleasure) gives hope that understanding will lead to a satisfactory outcome. The pursuit is particularly important; it is what occurs spontaneously in biological organisms. The social nature of groups move Orgone, find safety in herd mentality and agreement blocks knowledge. The initial movements occurred in our birth in seeking contact with mother. It is our inheritance to move outward.Orgone.seeks connection. Simultaneously Orgone is the driving force to explore our world. In our culture it is consciously blocked by horrendous birth procedures. Instinctively babies will scream at the abuse. Hospitable  torture will be complimented as providing life long immunity. The Doctor's are so contemptuous that their smug smile and your bill is the result. Sadism has led to calling these procedures healthy.

Yes everyone feels relieved that the baby has survived. Little satisfaction for the baby. Frozen, stiff, contracted and unconsciously angry. Now to spend the rest of life trying to understand why life is broken.
Dictatorships is the emotional plague and runs governments. They are overwhelmed by their contracted Orgone. In torturing others they are relieved. Sadism is Orgone perversion.

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