Sunday, October 23, 2022

Symptoms, habits are hard to change

Hunter gathers needed no permanent family. It was move on and work together to survive the hostile unforgiving terrain. Nature  insured cooperation. Growing crops and domesticating animals transitioned humans into a new stabilized family. Now cooperation needed communication between the sexes to insure success. All transitions are difficult. The movement to new ideas and actions involved the possibility of mistakes causing a reminder of past abuse. 

The many pitfalls of this new family was solved by patriarchy. But trouble existed with males being too controlling and women having to acquiesce. Success depended on a lack of family conflict. Marriages often had difficulty as humans sexual needs change. The isolated nuclear family structure unlike hunter gathers had a new set of  rule. Neighboring families needed to work together to enhance survival. Ignorance made peace difficult.  For true knowledge, right understanding of a the micro and macro world the family needed to learn from the American Indian circular community.

Ignoring knowledge is a father daughter entertaining duo. The singing promoted by the family provides income and it's socially applauded. Freud's and Reich's insights, particularly the Oedipus complex is unconscious. These many children will miss satisfaction. Instead they will always be yearning for a completion that will not happen. Parents exploit their children's innocence. The family's dynamic demands denial for the abuse that the children are experiencing. Of course the culture of ruthlessness often leaves much worse possibilities.

Top down business practices insures selfishness. Buried rage is used by business to express their anger, their dissatisfaction, and their dysfunction drives greed. Top down authority take the immense profit and only succeeds for those at the top. I am convinced you can talk with acerbity  about dysfunctions and  not a thing would change. What we need to change is people's character through Orgone Therapy and enlightened parenting Not being in full consciousness causes fantasy to obscure moment to moment contact. Communication with people who have preconceived ideas, The difficulty is the armor and only by activating full breathing with body emoting will the armor recede. New abilities seeing with both eyes, consciously breathing, will happen over time and help change habits to a spontaneous life.

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