of my Orgonomic streaming, the meanings of the epitaph became clear: from the wellsprings of our life, our essence, Orgone, streams. When living is governed by Love, Work, and Knowledge life is understood, and Orgone streaming is direct.
When the bubbling anxiety, panicked confusion awakens you to finally change; and you begin to move in the direction of Love, Work, and Knowledge than addictive behavior will become manageable.
Love, Work and Knowledge are stars that lead to a deeper connection, to a satisfying life.
Love can be described though love cannot be mechanical, or intellectually achieved; love happens spontaneously, having a safe environment. Women acknowledge the attraction and men if available respectably connect.
Add Knowledge and Work for optimal function. No job means that Orgone will be recessed. No knowledge means that Orgone will not be stimulated. All three pursuits move the Orgone in ways that fill the body with purpose, pleasure and Orgone.
All three are hooked together by breathing. Less armor allows a combination with breathing to have more Orgone streaming. Better breathing opens the body to feeling one's living pulse. Now you have more Orgone to deal with the rigors of work. More Orgone to be available for love, and the knowledge to keep on learning.
Breathing can be enhanced by the full body being part of the movement of breath. The whole body begins to move with the inhale and exhale. Breathing becomes dynamic and the access to Orgone streaming is enlightening, motivating. Increased Orgone is needed to deal with the dynamics of a society that has a ruthless, competitive structure.
Focusing on Love, Work, and Knowledge streams the Orgone. Breathe in Orgone and use these three pursuits to eliminate susceptibility to perversion, addiction. Choosing Love, Work, and Knowledge awakens humans full potential: these three unlock the door to Orgonomic understanding.
Love is the movement of Orgone filling the body in response to another's Orgone.
Work that nourishes the Orgone is the garden where knowledge is planted and love blooms. We are the birds singing.