Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Disturbing The Peace

Orgone saved my life. Dr. Wilhelm Reich through his many discoveries reached out through time and taught me how to emote, how to to relax, how to understand, how to release Orgone, and have pleasures in a Emotional Plague reality. Otherwise the build up Orgone within me would have caused a deathly panic.

Orgone is a moving cloud within us. Early Orgone hid to save my life, from fear of the many abuses I wrote about. A new me appeared: quiet, careful, hiding, and I focused on little clouds: addiction, food, sports, smells. Then off on my own and those addictions were not enough. Anxiety jumped and I remembered; I used to wake in the middle of the night worried. Closet door opens and humming heads would fly out. I was a wreck. Where was I. I had no idea. Turned out I was ignorant.

Armored is addicted. The Orgone, past and present emotions, must be released fully or armor insures an addicted release ( from food to war),and secondary emotions that are ugly, a nasty character. The emotional plague ruins their life by missing being truly alive while seeking minor addicted pleasures that never satisfy. Affect disturbs people who have buried theirs. Emotional Plague people are volatile; they are unconsciously miserable and will take every opportunity to unleash their misery on you. Beware and stay away.

The plague's character insides are Orgone knots, constricted and unable to unwind; if touched it's a spasm nightmare. Without Orgone Therapy knowledge the character cannot truly unlock. The horror is the plague is invisible to the host, and in their desperation to release their unconscious blocked, armor they pervert reality. Those who know recognize their ignorance and see their anger as their compulsion to be right and ignore their unconscious.

Addiction is Orgone that gets released as a substitute for expressing primal emotions. The fantasy of addiction is that it replaces the memory and emotion of rejection. One is oblivious that it is a substitute, or that it even an addiction. Built into our culture many addictions are visible and deemed necessary; cigarettes, alcohol sugar not only legal but considered financially essential for those established industries. Addictions are par and parcel that stop you from seeing, feeling the horror of one's reality. One has to learn how to express emotions to have a chance at feeling the moving Orgone and total pleasure through convulsive sexual orgasm.

Everyone is unaware that they are working extremely hard to regulate their Orgone. When your honest about their relationships watch out for their anger. They will fight like hell to stay the same. No expressive feelings insures control. I cannot convince anyone with words. No one can. I am writing  for those who are already want this info. If words could change the ignorant then the emotional plague would no longer exist.

Do not disturb sign should placed around the neck of the emotionless. Confronting the Emotional Plague with affect should only be undertaken with protection. Their placidity is held down by a murderous unconsciousness that is held in place by a unconscious ruthless panic that they will experience themselves. The hidden past abuse froze the Orgone. No one understood how as an infant to express ones revenge. Now the repressed will fight like hell not to uncover the secrets of the past as they have no idea how to express the abuse and miss Orgone healing. 

"The enervating struggle against the emotional plague continues without interruption." Wilhelm Reich American Odyssey pg. 314

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