Sunday, June 8, 2008

Emotional Plague

No doubt the emotional plague is in me. The emotional plague a name given to the sickness that inhabits the people of our world. Basically because our emotions
are either non existent or so twisted and unconscious we go about in a protective fog. While we torture ourselves and our loved ones by misdirecting our anger to find some relief from the pain of too much energy and not enough lovely release.

Know does not come from a book. Knowledge comes from knowing yourself. And here's the rub: lost in the ignorance and the Plague how do you know yourself?  You need a great therapist.
Also just about as hard, you also must want therapy: easier than it sounds. Evolution is God manifested slow agony. Why so damn slow?

Enlightenment that is sudden turns you into a raving lunatic. Realization of how
much Plague is in you can cause tremendous self loathing; if self awareness comes without self compassion. The battle to be brave and know oneself is a fight a coward has to win.

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