Bad enough that Dr. Reich is not understood by the general public and other Psychologists, plus is often called crazy. Oh the sex doctor the one that went to prison. Now a previous patient is speaking out that he was" tortured" by the Therapy.
Truly there are people who have been in Orgone therapy and continue to blast away at Dr. Reich for being a crazy, sick, and on and on a nut. I have been reading there thoughts and they scare the lights out of me because I know that they are furious, raging, and murderous. The Therapy will illicit those feelings.
Orgone Therapy will get one in touch with the abuse, the horrible abuse that has formed the armor that is causing one to want to release the tension: years of not being loved, years of Orgone not being released. A human needs touch to be loved, to be wholesome, empathetic, and balanced. Mammals need the reassurance of touch. Then one will not take there murderous anger out on ones who do you no harm. Emotional Plagues never understand that. No there rage seeks release; horribly, so misdirected
In Dr. Reich's last book Contact with Space he says, I woke this morning thinking I could be a space alien. The thought is disturbing. Was Dr. Reich truly cracked like some of his so called followers say? In his late years when Dr. Reich was incarcerated. There are reports that Dr. Reich acted oddly. In prison, his cellmate, after Dr. Reich, died voiced that Dr. Reich acted like a delusional scientist. When a great genius who has discovered ways to advance the entire human species, written extensively, applauded by other great people than please do not believe the unenlightened. When you have Dr. Reich in his prime, a singular genius, an alpha male for his generation and for many centuries, understood by very few, and ruthlessly thrown into jail and burned his books: A fact that is still ignored and the importance discarded.
What could have drove the latest person to act out, kill their mother, and kill all those sweet children. Both parents are now working, or divorced, children have lost their intimate mentors and the transient corporate society keeps the parents frantic: the money pressure is brutal. The nuclear family and the culture illicit emotional ignorance concluding in increasing mayhem: will explode and shoot and maim. And the geniuses answer is we don't understand or the devil made him do it.
What to do, What to do. Stop throwing the people like Dr. Reich in jail. Start paying attention to his therapy and what he has said. Continuously, through his writings Dr. Reich warned of the horrors that he saw first hand during his time in Germany in the 1930's. Dr. Reich could see that the Emotional Plague was wide spread.
The human species is a social species like the dog, or wolf family. In that mix we have leaders or alpha, number ones. When the society becomes huge, complicated, too big to find one leader than the social structure loses sight of the true genius. Even in the very old days when the leaders became known there was always competition. The ignorant didn't like the truly exceptional, the sexually potent, the charismatic: the armored was inanely jealous of losing their power over his fellow man and their love of their women.
The majority miss learning from the true leader, the alpha because they can not stand the truth. The adults twisted desires pollute their children; and their sweet innocence will be turned into a corrupt isolation.
Our culture, our social structure abuses us: we are severely damaged; we project our defects, neurotic choices, our need for attention, love that we didn't receive, the abuse that we did get, onto, in this case Dr. Reich, and block the knowledge, the information that will allow us to live a understood life. For each of us this result is a tragedy and a continual mystery for the uninformed. The evolution of our controlling, brutal, violent, selfish, greed filled world is crippled with missing knowledge that would change one's character from a confused, inappropriate person into a loving empathetic helpful group member.