Monday, April 26, 2021


Bad enough that Dr. Reich is not understood by the general public and other Psychologists, plus is often called crazy. Oh the sex doctor the one that went to prison. Now a  previous patient is speaking out that he was" tortured" by the Therapy.  

Truly there are people who have been in Orgone therapy and continue to blast away at Dr. Reich for being a crazy, sick, and on and on a nut. I have been reading there thoughts and they scare the lights out of me because I know that they are furious, raging, and murderous. The Therapy will illicit those feelings.

Orgone Therapy will get one in touch with the abuse, the horrible abuse that has formed the armor that is causing one to want to release the tension: years of not being loved, years of Orgone not being released. A human needs touch to be loved, to be wholesome, empathetic, and balanced. Mammals need the reassurance of touch. Then one will not take there murderous anger out on ones who do you no harm. Emotional Plagues never understand that. No there rage seeks release; horribly, so misdirected

In Dr. Reich's last book Contact with Space he says, I woke this morning thinking  I could be a space alien. The thought is disturbing. Was Dr. Reich truly cracked like some of his so called followers say? In his late years when Dr. Reich was incarcerated. There are reports that Dr. Reich acted oddly. In prison, his cellmate, after Dr. Reich, died voiced that Dr. Reich acted like a delusional scientist. When a great genius who has discovered ways to advance the entire human species, written extensively, applauded by other great people than please do not believe the unenlightened. When you have Dr. Reich in his prime, a singular genius, an alpha male for his generation and for many centuries, understood by very few, and ruthlessly thrown into jail and burned his books: A fact that is still ignored and the importance discarded.

What could have drove the latest person to act out, kill their mother, and kill all those sweet children. Both parents are now working, or divorced, children have lost their intimate mentors and the transient corporate society keeps the parents frantic: the money pressure is brutal. The nuclear family and the culture illicit emotional ignorance concluding in increasing mayhem:  will explode and shoot and maim. And the geniuses answer is we don't understand or the devil made him do it.

What to do, What to do. Stop throwing the people like Dr. Reich in jail. Start paying attention to his therapy and what he has said. Continuously, through his writings Dr. Reich warned of the horrors that he saw first hand during his time in Germany in the 1930's. Dr. Reich could see that the Emotional Plague was wide spread.

The human species is a social species like the dog, or wolf family. In that mix we have leaders or alpha, number ones. When the society becomes huge, complicated, too big to find one leader than the social structure loses sight of the true genius.  Even in the very old days when the leaders became known there was always competition. The ignorant didn't like the truly exceptional,  the sexually potent, the charismatic: the armored was inanely jealous of losing their power over his fellow man and their love of their women.
The majority miss learning from the true leader, the alpha because they can not stand the truth. The adults twisted desires pollute their children; and their sweet innocence will be turned into a corrupt isolation.

Our culture, our social structure abuses us: we are severely damaged; we project our defects, neurotic choices, our need for attention, love that we didn't receive, the abuse that we did get, onto, in this case Dr. Reich, and block the knowledge, the information that will allow us to live a understood life. For each of us this result is a tragedy and a continual mystery for the uninformed. The evolution of our controlling, brutal, violent, selfish, greed filled world is crippled with missing knowledge that would change one's character from a confused, inappropriate person into a loving empathetic helpful group member.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Substance abuse

Addiction is finding a substance that when viewed, eaten, touched will stimulate a partial feeling of satisfaction that when wearing off will leave you feeling unbalanced, depressed, and seeking further addiction. The awareness of oneself  afterwards is depressing. The Orgone has flattened and the past high, expanding Orgone loss is disappointing. Now you feel grumpy, flat, nasty in comparison to the addictive state. Not able to generate self regulating pleasure (accessing unrestricted breathing and contact with the environment) we turn to our addiction.

Often it is called a fix like putting glue on a blow out. Addiction is a quick burst like stepping on the gas and pressing the pedal to the floor or eating a whole blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream. It's a rush. The rush of Orgone blocks out the confusion of ones life. Orgone straight to the top. Unlike fixing your life, addiction is temporary. Addiction is the poor mans alive. Nothing better than feeling alive. The rush buries the lost satisfaction of a full life.

Did you ever wonder why addiction is so uncontrollable. When you become uncontrollable the desire for the addictive substance fills you up. 
Lets take my writing, the way I write. I wait for the idea to overwhelm me. I haven't been expressing my sexuality fully and the need to let go of some Orgone in a respectful way has arrived. 

I remember the time like a vortex the addiction took over. 
I had no control and in fact when your an addict you have no control. Once I chose control, as a child, and it worked. Then Orgone accumulated and broke controls hold and I sought sexual  release. Simply the need for release is overwhelming and since full sexuality in all its glorious simplicity is subjugated in our culture, addiction will happen.

Hey Troglodyte's it is easy to fall back. I know stress can alter my choices and I am back making all the same mistakes. Yet my addictions leave a empty, lost. and a sour expression. Stress can lead me to breaking the rules for release. Dr. Rinn in the beginning of my therapy said I  should cut all contact with my family. I know we discussed this action. I can not remember why Dr. Rinn said this but my guess had to do with repeating poor choices stimulated by habitual patterns. These days I have seen my own friends being affected either by losing there jobs and that stress reverted them to a old emotional state.  Returning to a relationship with ones family without having completed therapy, practicing  and understanding ones own character will cause one to fall back into the previous illusions, and poor character that leads to secondary characteristics. Orgonomically the armor has reappeared stronger, invisibly, and Orgone will accumulate and one's character will act irrationally.

I have tied up my consciousness with holding, contracting: this ties up a big portion of the brain, and the descriptive, analytical part of the brain becomes dominant. Addiction is a bad attempt to unlock, a failed attempt too escape the work that Dr. Reich taught that got me back to feeling the flow, the streaming.

I have known many people who have been badly addicted, and after being out of control they sought regular treatment and then would overcompensate by tightening up there Orgone. Control is temporary. Too much work, living with a mate you don't make love to, visiting relatives like parents who make demands and you acquiesce.  

Addiction of all types is like a drug to itself. Orgone builds to a uncomfortable level, because humans in our culture have not been taught how to express fear, sadness and sexual superimposition. When expressing oneself through addiction it's an unconscious betrayal. The anger is interwoven unconsciously with the addictions. It's like saying fuck you, I  am so pissed I will act out. Addictions masks a deep seated  trauma. Orgone Therapy can help you see your true self, 

Friday, April 16, 2021

What Was Missing.

Inspired by David Lanskey

They want all the pie.
They don't care that your plate is empty
Or the banging on the bars.

Who are these people that hold us down, who will not share. The excuses are many. You have to work for success just the way I did. Or I am providing you with a job you wouldn't have. Life is unfair then you die. Our world today can not come up with solutions to eliminate economic suffering. Solutions do not exist. Emotional ignorance has led to selfish interactions, poisonous envy and killer frustrations. Large corporations run by Board Of Directors bottom line humans to control immense profit. Their inadequacy to manifest there core self is financial human betrayal.

Early baby abuse led to humans shutting down, control by contracting the entire body. When the baby stopped by refusing to be present, a split in consciousness occurs and the moving energy, Orgone, stops being used to experience the world, reality. 

Control by babies initial shutting down, is the emergency brake that stays red and forgotten; now no  experience of abuse; control becomes the official template of humans. Focus on holding in becomes an everyday experience and becomes the new reality. Control never disappears, only its memory. Disturbances begins to occur when Orgone accumulates and needs to be released.

Through human growth many releases become outbursts. The modern day culture being restrictive, enforces the discipline of denial to further economic prosperity. This dynamic causes anger that is unleashed  often in self harm, addiction. Being that there are no solutions to unconscious denial, continual search finds no answers.
The study of the many odd behaviors of humans have been a life long pursuit of mankind without any complete understanding. The psycological movement brought controversy and for many hope. Applying Orgone Therapy's understanding I have felt how I have stopped my early awareness of Orgone streaming; simply it is a defensive reaction to abuse.

I have written of baby abuse and the coldness of Doctors who are blind to their ignorance. Continued abuse reinforces controlled behavior and allows a dulling of access to a flowing life and a repetition of addictive choices.

Addiction becomes a handy tool. Human's must release Orgone: there is no exceptions. The control that was desperately needed needs release. The blocking of complete release blocks self regulation. One does not see that one's own health and safety depends on fair interactions to survive a harsh reality.  Decision making for the general good can not be found, control has inhibited rational thought. It's a tremendously sad life when one wakes to realizations of self ignorance.

The Human matrix depends on complete safe interactions of all its members to evolve. Like the poem No Man Is An Island these truths have been known. Using people like pencils causes negative consequences to your own intelligence. Human's potential needs spontaneous connection. Controlling other people to satisfy sick urges has inhibited world progress.

Dr. Reich identified methods to unlock early abuse. Without Orgone Therapy early abuse will not be cured. Basically if you do not understand your unconscious anger than poor decisions will be released through addiction. Thrashing at each other during love making will not make up for not being held as a baby, not being lovingly touched. These early behaviors will cause abusive adult relationships and be difficult to change.

Trusting in blood sucking Doctors to teach humanity leads to living without access to spontaneously knowing what is right and wrong. Doctor's baby birth protocol causes shallow, controlled breathing, visual confusion, and occiput contraction and is a recipe for a  bizarre culture. Consequently till all become generous in sharing the bounty that belongs to all, we will have ignorance ruling the world.

Armor is the boiler plate of a gross addiction, an unsatisfied life. Nothing will satisfy the weight of an incomplete life. Every opportunity by the Emotional Plague to unload there misery will be taken. The burden of armor fuels bad decisions. No need to wonder why life is being flushed away: all it takes is self awareness.

Breathing is the secret to knowing who you were and the path to helping you change. Breathing not only brings oxygen in but is a continuous reminder of your past emotional trauma. Often breathing is taken for granted. Breath is sewed into our body that being aware of its movement is forgotten. Yet the awareness of its closing and opening is the key to understanding your addiction. 

The breath when not working well is shallow: because of baby or childhood trauma. Abusive adults hide by preoccupying themselves with contraction: armor is ridgid control and it's effective. In Orgone Therapy you learn how to slowly widen and open the breath. The deeper breathing has brought back the memories of shallow breathing's purpose: occupying denial. Now when needing an addictive experience you realize you are only trying to find a release from that cooped up body. Taking a deep breath reminds you that you have changed and no longer need to take drastic action to feel. Being reminded also means knowing ones character. Change is hard and the work is continuous.

The work is practicing Orgone Therapy. The Therapist's is crucial to the therapy. Dr.Rinn would not let me disappear. Hibernation is what got me through my childhood.  I can remember saying to myself I will never let them hurt me again. In response I completely reinforced my closed character and change has been slow. I had to let the disappointment, the rage and then the fear out. How did I go back? Through the prodding of Dr. Rinn. Through the work on my armature.

Orgone is the precursor to thought: the intellect responds and describes the movement of Orgone. If one doesn't relive the past the damaging nuclear family and by its very nature the nuclear family is damaging, then I would never had been in the now enough to feel the release of orgasm and the balancing of my character that results from knowing the connection between man and women through superimposition, and orgasm.  

Intimacy in our culture depends on security that comes with success which allows for relaxation. Being abused makes honesty, intimacy and relaxation difficult and success impossible. Seeing oneself as abused, damaged and damaging, is terrifying. It is also where change begins.
The future belongs to those who know that there own satisfied survival depends on each other. Let us all take down the bars, the armor.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

the return


We marched into the auditorium.
We were a soaring flock of birds.
An army of friends, never wanting to be separated. Then the fates, miserable beuracracy,
Tore us apart.
It was the ninth grade and us guys were smart.
We were inseparable.

We loved to sing together.
A chorus of beginners. 
Slowly we would clap at the
End. We wouldn't stop
Clapping, clapping spontaneously. There was no conspiracy. Protest linked to each 
Other by the rotten truth.
Never did we agree to their rule.