Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Disturbing The Peace

Orgone saved my life. Dr. Wilhelm Reich through his many discoveries reached out through time and taught me how to emote, how to to relax, how to understand, how to release Orgone, and have pleasures in a Emotional Plague reality. Otherwise the build up Orgone within me would have caused a deathly panic.

Orgone is a moving cloud within us. Early Orgone hid to save my life, from fear of the many abuses I wrote about. A new me appeared: quiet, careful, hiding, and I focused on little clouds: addiction, food, sports, smells. Then off on my own and those addictions were not enough. Anxiety jumped and I remembered; I used to wake in the middle of the night worried. Closet door opens and humming heads would fly out. I was a wreck. Where was I. I had no idea. Turned out I was ignorant.

Armored is addicted. The Orgone, past and present emotions, must be released fully or armor insures an addicted release ( from food to war),and secondary emotions that are ugly, a nasty character. The emotional plague ruins their life by missing being truly alive while seeking minor addicted pleasures that never satisfy. Affect disturbs people who have buried theirs. Emotional Plague people are volatile; they are unconsciously miserable and will take every opportunity to unleash their misery on you. Beware and stay away.

The plague's character insides are Orgone knots, constricted and unable to unwind; if touched it's a spasm nightmare. Without Orgone Therapy knowledge the character cannot truly unlock. The horror is the plague is invisible to the host, and in their desperation to release their unconscious blocked, armor they pervert reality. Those who know recognize their ignorance and see their anger as their compulsion to be right and ignore their unconscious.

Addiction is Orgone that gets released as a substitute for expressing primal emotions. The fantasy of addiction is that it replaces the memory and emotion of rejection. One is oblivious that it is a substitute, or that it even an addiction. Built into our culture many addictions are visible and deemed necessary; cigarettes, alcohol sugar not only legal but considered financially essential for those established industries. Addictions are par and parcel that stop you from seeing, feeling the horror of one's reality. One has to learn how to express emotions to have a chance at feeling the moving Orgone and total pleasure through convulsive sexual orgasm.

Everyone is unaware that they are working extremely hard to regulate their Orgone. When your honest about their relationships watch out for their anger. They will fight like hell to stay the same. No expressive feelings insures control. I cannot convince anyone with words. No one can. I am writing  for those who are already want this info. If words could change the ignorant then the emotional plague would no longer exist.

Do not disturb sign should placed around the neck of the emotionless. Confronting the Emotional Plague with affect should only be undertaken with protection. Their placidity is held down by a murderous unconsciousness that is held in place by a unconscious ruthless panic that they will experience themselves. The hidden past abuse froze the Orgone. No one understood how as an infant to express ones revenge. Now the repressed will fight like hell not to uncover the secrets of the past as they have no idea how to express the abuse and miss Orgone healing. 

"The enervating struggle against the emotional plague continues without interruption." Wilhelm Reich American Odyssey pg. 314

Monday, October 24, 2022

Let Me Out

the fly was circling madly
i knew he entered with me
I hear his buzxing cry for help.

light shock,
then no touch
waiting with only eyes,
what is the nothing

the window 
back and forth
whoosh and out
 ah and ah

a shout
a catastrophic
chaos un
the letting go
both sides
bitter sweet
weird to be

John Lennon was in Primal Therapy. It is a Therapy that access's fight or flight, which gets you into Orgone, emotions that were buried. A Primal Therapist is then available.  
It is achieved  through initial twenty four hour isolation. Lennon's childhood was dysfunctional, absentee father and mother. Integrating  his complex emotions was no quick fix. Art can soothe while tolerating the confusion.

                                                   I Found Out by John Lennon

I told you before, stay away from my door
Don't give me that brother, brother, brother, brother
The freaks on the phone, won't leave me alone
So don't give me that brother, brother, brother, brother No!
I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Now that I showed you what I been through
Don't take nobody's word what you can do
There ain't no Jesus gonna come from the sky
Now that I found out I know I can cry

I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Some of you sitting there with your cock in your hand
Don't get you nowhere don't make you a man
I heard something 'bout my Ma and my Pa
They didn't want me so they made me a star

I, I found out!
I, I found out!

Old Hare Krishna got nothing on you
Just keep you crazy with nothing to do
Keep you occupied with pie in the sky
There ain't no guru who can see through your eyes

I, I found out!
I, I found out!

I seen through junkies, I been through it all
I seen religion from Jesus to Paul
Don't let them fool you with dope and cocaine
No one can harm you, feel your own pain

I, I found out!
I, I found this out!
I, I found out!

Play "I Found Out"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)
Writer(s): John Lennon

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Symptoms, habits are hard to change

Hunter gathers needed no permanent family. It was move on and work together to survive the hostile unforgiving terrain. Nature  insured cooperation. Growing crops and domesticating animals transitioned humans into a new stabilized family. Now cooperation needed communication between the sexes to insure success. All transitions are difficult. The movement to new ideas and actions involved the possibility of mistakes causing a reminder of past abuse. 

The many pitfalls of this new family was solved by patriarchy. But trouble existed with males being too controlling and women having to acquiesce. Success depended on a lack of family conflict. Marriages often had difficulty as humans sexual needs change. The isolated nuclear family structure unlike hunter gathers had a new set of  rule. Neighboring families needed to work together to enhance survival. Ignorance made peace difficult.  For true knowledge, right understanding of a the micro and macro world the family needed to learn from the American Indian circular community.

Ignoring knowledge is a father daughter entertaining duo. The singing promoted by the family provides income and it's socially applauded. Freud's and Reich's insights, particularly the Oedipus complex is unconscious. These many children will miss satisfaction. Instead they will always be yearning for a completion that will not happen. Parents exploit their children's innocence. The family's dynamic demands denial for the abuse that the children are experiencing. Of course the culture of ruthlessness often leaves much worse possibilities.

Top down business practices insures selfishness. Buried rage is used by business to express their anger, their dissatisfaction, and their dysfunction drives greed. Top down authority take the immense profit and only succeeds for those at the top. I am convinced you can talk with acerbity  about dysfunctions and  not a thing would change. What we need to change is people's character through Orgone Therapy and enlightened parenting Not being in full consciousness causes fantasy to obscure moment to moment contact. Communication with people who have preconceived ideas, The difficulty is the armor and only by activating full breathing with body emoting will the armor recede. New abilities seeing with both eyes, consciously breathing, will happen over time and help change habits to a spontaneous life.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Start Again

Start Again

That storm we swallowed almost
Tore the armor off. A whale's cry
I held. That white lightening
Began pleasurably. Those waves
Transmitted by her insect eyes
Were words, caught
By my antennas and returned.
Then that awesome fear rising,
Stamped down. I found you
In the bathroom, by the window,
By the ledge. 

Manhattan at 3 A.M.1975 was better than that.
Taxi driver, shaved head, not talking, doing ninety.
The village gays, transsexuals.
Cars circling.
Screams, fights, knives.
The suction. The driver swerving.
The couple in the back praying.

Monday, May 16, 2022


When I became aware of my Orgone streaming I  recognized how much Orgone moved to my bodies surface, and how much pleasure I missed by my absent, neglectful mother. Anger is frustrated pleasure. Anger streams powerfully, to the surface of the body; while pleasure would have continued filling fully, softly to the surface.  Orgone was an ever going discovery. The amount of Orgone varied continuously and I had to experience streaming, through Orgone Therapy, to experience its movement. 

Laying there, I am conscious. I am in a room. No one is there. I continue to lay there. Now I want what was missing. It's a fruitless search. I am off. I am lost, off.  I am dizzy, conscious where no one gives a moment about me. I am fading and disappearing. My breath, my lungs hardly move. 

As with all my posts it started with Orgone Therapy: with Dr. Rinn's teaching me breathing, with sound on the exhale. The sound alerts you to feeling the hiding and the ah sound accompanies  streaming through the body. If I wasn't conscious of  my breath it meant that I wasn't in my body. I was shallow breathing, armored, and addicted. 

Blocked meant your vision of your surroundings didn't compute and decisions were corrupted by secondary emotions. The journey to self regulation begins with an awareness that one needs help. Pleasure is Orgone Streaming that spontaneously occurs when full respiration is not inhibited, and emotions are freely expressed.

When abused either verbally or physically the body protects itself by pulling in and collapsing, particularly in the vulnerable midsection. Breathing almost stops and tension stops the feeling of abuse. If your small, or unable to fight back, than the hate and anger needs to be released as an adult. Dr. Reich explains that having an armored midsection is tantamount to making bad decisions: unconscious of the crap your getting yourself involved in.1.

Now I had complete breathing. The first couple days I was pleased. Then one morning I had an explosion of vomit. Complete breathing had brought up old hate. No one cared. I could feel a blocked awareness I had never experienced. I attributed this newness to breathing. To inhale was charging and pelvic slight loosening; the exhale with Orgone movement was releasing. It came together. I was damned angry. Breathing deeply opened repressed memories that escaped like bandits.

In the midsection is the liver. Chinese medical theory purports the liver is the seat of anger. Interesting connection. Unconsciously that is also where Orgone gets thoroughly blocked. Vomiting voluntarily helps stimulate, and unlock Orgone in the liver:  Orgone streaming expressed by the liver is healing and pleasurable. 2.

Lately I've noticed that my additional breathing style involved a stimulation of my mid section. Deep breathing always involved the midsection but now I was conscious of the pelvic and sacrum being involved. Definitely powerful. I could now focus on pursuing my primary needs: love spontaneously shared 

Myriad abuses leads to shallow, unconscious breathing. Human stillness forms a shield, armor that blocks awareness. Addiction is a futile attempt to let go of contraction and for a few moments feel alive, instead of bored, miserable and confused. 

1. Of course the solar plexus is right there.

2. Martial Artists, Chi Kung etc. consider the mid section the seat of power.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Orgone Therapy is Different than all other Therapies

The first experience of leaving the womb, warm wet, welcomed would be exemplary. Except harsh lights, cold humans, and the usual torture is the general experience. Birth, Orgonomically one is whole and reaching out. Learning that you can shrink and not experience the bright light reality happens as a protection. Shallow breathing becomes a tool that modulates consciousness and becomes unconscious and the little consciousness left is a fantasy of being. No Orgone streaming is armor. The stoppage of Orgone movement is a retarded state. 

Puberty didn't exist. Individual expression thrown out and substituted with emotional plague. No one had a clue what was needed for well being. Well there was addiction. What's for dinner? To be born into a world of humans who denies their animal nature, leads to a culture where one is not physically touched, lovingly massaged. All mammals touch continuously except humans. Touch is essential especially at birth to reinforce Orgone streaming, and security. 

Addiction is just a bad substitute for expressing the anger, rage of a incomplete life. My brother and I had to function as best we could in a retarded family. As adults we have a chance to experience the abuse and if lucky Orgone Therapy will teach appropriate emotions. 
Only in Orgone Therapy will you find the tools to finally express the holding, the constriction, the denial, the unconscious from head to toe that is invisible and only can be unlocked through Dr. Reich's final Therapy and not some new mash up. The rest of ones life will be a search for what is missing: Spontaneous expression, Orgone streaming, and  Sexual satisfaction.


Without Orgone Therapy I would be an addict.

Saturday, March 26, 2022


I remember mother by her favorite expression, Let's get Coffee an, she meant desert. And we went and I loved dessert. I loved sweets. I could eat a lot because I was an athlete and was active every hour. Then after being in Orgone Therapy I realized I used food; food was my panacea. it was my friend. No sweetness from my mother. The closeness that I needed was hooked up with missing the love I now sought through food addiction. 

My second wife was a French cook and she was terrific. So I ballooned 238 and my thighs would touch when I walked. I began feeling odd. Finally my wife left. I had an affair with a breast feeding woman who was generous with her milk. I found  that breast milk was sweet. I am sure I didn't get that. Your lips, have more than a million nerve endings, making them one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Armored lips is pleasure blocked and will not allow Orgone's streaming or a cascade of pleasure, or affection, or nourishment that directs life through the bodies knowledge of releasing, expanding Orgone. 

The following review by Mr. Mutimer is worth reading. There are many salient points. A couple of areas I disagree with is finding Dr. Baker a clearer read that Dr. Reich's. This could not be further from the truth. I found D. Baker's book Man In The Trap a major step backwards in using old psychological terms. Dr. Reich left those terms behind as Orgone Therapy had a new revolutionary understanding of Therapy, and new definitions. 

on July 13, 2007
Format: Paperback
This review assumes a basic understanding of the ideas of Wilhelm Reich.

The book Emotional Armoring Hershkowitz


The book is a description of medical orgonomy in practice. It is orderly, concise and evocative. But potential readers need to understand something before they shell out.

"A chapter on reducing armoring should be introduced with a warning that the techniques describes are intended neither as a do-it-yourself, self improvement program, nor as procedures with psychotherapists untrained in orgonomy should experiment" - Emotional Armoring: An Introduction to Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, p.67 (Chapter 5)

Given that dissolution of emotional armour is the goal of medical orgonomy the above statement narrows dramatically the *practical* value of the book. The intended readership for this, the most important chapter, is the small number of suitably qualified psychotherapists who have trained, or who are training, in medical orgonomy. This is an absolutely *minute* fraction of the world community and a very small fraction of the people who will read this book.

The reason for this restriction by the author is that, whilst the therapy is logical and can be understood by anyone who applies themselves, it is dangerous. Emotional armour serves a very important function which is that of containing the huge anger held by nearly everyone caused by having their natural functioning thwarted by naive parents acting as the unwitting agents of an essentially sick society. Any uncontrolled dissolution of the armour can cause such massive release of this anger that the subject can very easily become a serious danger both to himself and to others. At a lower level the subject's relationships and livelihood will almost certainly be at risk. So what we have to face early on in appraising this book is that its core content, which is practical, is not available as such to the vast majority of people who will read the book. If we add to this that there are VERY few trained orgonomists in the world - I suggest just a few hundred - to whom a person could submit themselves for this kind of therapy the book is a recipe for frustration.

So how might the non-professional benefit from reading the book?

Well the great problem with Reich was that he was at great pains at each stage in his work to justify himself. This is all perfectly understandable, and indeed, was essential, at the time, but if you are looking for a concise description of medical orgonomy the writing of it's creator is not the place to go. Far better to read the work of other people who understand it - better yet people who understand it and who have actually done it. In this regard the present book may be the very best there is. In fact, having looked around, I know of only two such books, the one here and "Man in the Trap" by Elsworth Baker which I also strongly recommend despite the fact that it suffers from exactly the same restrictions. Actually the two books are highly comparable; they are both written by practicing orgonomists who have the same somewhat forthright style borne of the effects of the therapy itself; both have sections that follow the head-to-pelvis sequence that is an absolute condition of Reichian bodywork; and they both give plenty of examples of how to tackle each segment and what can happen as a result. In this sense they convey very well the *taste and flavour* of medical orgonomy. It is hands-on, it is robust, it is serious, it is a deep human process that takes the therapist and the patient to very frightening and painful territory that will typically include periods of huge anger and deep sadness and the physical manifestations thereof; hitting, kicking, shouting and heartfelt sobbing on the part of the patient being absolutely the norm.

Ok so, assuming you are not one the few hundred qualified people I speak about above you will catch the *flavour* of orgonomy from this book and you may well sense that there is something very important about it for you personally- but there, I suggest, it will stop. Unless you are very lucky indeed and live close to a practitioner, not to mention rich enough to pay him, you will not be able to take the matter forward. All that will result is an essentially intellectual journey which, appraised in the very terms that are valuable to orogonomists themselves, is useless.

As I say at the start of this review that I assume that you have an understanding of the ideas of Wilhelm Reich. If you have then you will realize that the therapy described in this book derives from a strict application of his theoretical position. However there are many who claim the name of Reich in their practice using "Reichian" or, more honestly "neo-Reichian", but whose practice merely uses a few ideas taken from Reich's work. Herskowitz is very aware of this and takes the time, more than once, to point out the failings of such deviations from what Reich actually said, essentially those of ineffectiveness and of danger. Casual buyers of such services beware! In fact, if the book here serves to warn effectively in this area then it serves another, albeit somewhat negative purpose for the non-professional.

So, having pointed out the great limitations of the book, limitations that, I hasten to point out, arise not from any fault of the author but from the nature of the therapy and the scarcity of therapeutic resources, what is my conclusion for the journeyman into the realms of orgonomy? My conclusion is that this book is very important because it is descriptive of what I believe to be the most important therapy in existence, and because, in the few cases where it is applied properly, the transformation is one of the very few that can take a person forward, truly. Take them forward to where? To natural integrated functioning, which is a big step to so much more.

In closing I leave you with a recommendation that will appear to be completely at odds with the thrust of the book here, "No Boundary" by Ken Wilber. In this book we can catch a glimpse of the big picture into which orgonomy falls, in my humble opinion.



Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 The avenging angel

Never rests.

He sees the aura of 

Wonder  and

Feels the way.




The armor, the addiction.

Empathy for the struggle.

The tremendous gift, invisible trust,

When heaven enlightened releases

A pulsing 

Star, all is known.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Prime Directive Hidden Within

No one wants to experience past abuse, or what you became as a result, or all the pleasure one missed, or experience the murderous anger at your revolt. Armor forms to block the abusive experience. Addiction, anxiety, obsessive behavior wants Orgone knowing.

Orgone, could be felt and emotions, Orgone, would stream. and brought understanding to ones character. Though old armor's pathway remains, now emotions brings knowledge, understanding. Slowly the armor of past abuse becomes less of a problem, and motivates change. 

Dreams, hallucination, and addictions can be exciting and feel real. Feeling Orgone and becoming aware of Orgone movement, one becomes sensitive to practical reality, animals and nature. Life, all has movement. The accumulation of Orgone leads to it's release.

Like the universe Orgone is moving outward. Orgone seeks connections to fulfill its growing potential.  

Dr. Reich's poem on the front page of Contact With Space describes this movement.

Thoughts Of Import (1953)

Thoughts of import

Are built like cathedrals

Reaching high into the sky

As if to fly.

Onward they urge

From the depth of the brine

Pregnant with surge

Of ever greater design.

Let's burst open the sky

Let's reach for the stars

Let's ring out the cry

Transcending all the bars.

The prime directive is written in every cell. Humans have covered up this  moving experience with armor. Like trees that reach continuously upward, humans Orgone is meant to reach out, to rise. Universes, nature moves outward. Becoming fully conscious of Orgone's streaming is the work.  Convulsing superimposition unleashes our Orgone and it's beaming knowledge, ecstasy.

Orgasm between men and women releases a floating, a beatific coconsciousness. When Orgone rises, and the deep connection, sexual intercourse, releases all bars than the prime directive is released.  Spontaneous superimposition solves life's riddles. We are stars radiating pure pleasue.