Sunday, May 28, 2023

Successful Failure

In the western culture, attention, survival, is dependent on success. Being successful can lead to an arrogant pleasure. Success, at an early age, leads to some Orgone filling and a self righteous attitude that confirms that nothing is wrong. Social species find security and pleasure in attention and success.    Attention moves Orgone and the possibility of deeper pleasure. I am a successful and I make the rules, reassuring the Emotional Plague. People who are addicted to success, never focus on their behavior and have no idea about armor, addiction. Their successful and that confirms reassures their attitude, their character.

 Addictive choices become a substitute for exploring help. Women are beautiful and are instinctive and find the attention addictive; men are in comparison homely and doers and use their competitive drive to attract women, all leading to substitute addictions, each other. Men need to be out seeking sovereignty; it is hard to come by in our economy. Women are attracted to success as it guarantees security, home, a place for children. After experimental sex both sexes realize their sexual dysfunction and focus on success which hide deep seated disturbances. Sex is a primary drive and can not be a substituted by babies, money or celibacy. 

The sex conundrum began in a restrictive childhood. Adults largeness can frighten spontaneous connections with the baby. Adults stillness is experienced as threatening. The baby's Orgone becomes isolated, and physically, emotionally abused. As an adult not able to experience or know pleasure, the choice is successful work.  As a result addictions becomes a way to escape  that needs to be continually repeated. Work becomes ones success and refuge. Ultimately the relationship reminds you that success without satisfaction is failure.

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