Monday, May 22, 2023

Blue Light

Sunny day. In my small kitchen, while reaching the fridge can almost touch the stove. I turn to go and pop, a loud pop. I turn and see a blue light disappearing. I think its a light bulb or an electrical something and I look thoroughly but nothing. After a while I forget it. 

I am working in a shop selling American flags and a guy says 
he is an ex soldier. I am compelled to tell him blue pop story. Turns out he was a nurse during the Nam war. He relates that a blue light sometimes appeared when a death occurred. The conversation was earie. Never having met him yet we shared a troubling unknown.

Days later it I remembered  my sister had died during the time of the blue pop. Now I connected the two. 
I am now connecting that blue with Dr. Reich's descriptions of Orgone as blue. The Earth is the blue planet. Giving off blue Orgone at death makes sense. Remembering the blue pop gives me the chills.

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