Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Why is being present difficult? When your in the now you don't knock glasses off the table and food doesn't doesn't drip on your shirt. After hundreds of mistakes, over countless years I paid attention. I wanted to feel my Orgone streaming. I wasn't in the now. 

I realized I was moving hands, my feet without first looking. I was somewhere else. I liked not being present. Its a defense I used growing up. I couldn't change their neglect. Left to my own devices was limited. Neglected left me contracted. TV was my view. Consciousness didn't develop. I wound up for many reasons with an over developed mental chatter that as an adult occupied me. especially when stressed. My solution was tied to paying attention with my eyes. First look where I'm  going and then move. Being in my body is being lit up, bright, aware of my vulnerability. Warm blooded is alive, soft, breathing and the possibility of pleasure and catastrophe made sure I was in the now.

Being in the now was a fantastic surprise. Moving after I looked took me out of a unconscious dream state, like William Blake said "like the doors of perception were cleansed" into a rich three dee present. The now appeared suddenly. It does take effort to change and not always successful. Old habits die hard. 

The now reminds that being in auto pilot means that you're not experiencing full consciousness. It's a defense mechanism to avoid a forgotten abusive past. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Successful Failure

In the western culture, attention, survival, is dependent on success. Being successful can lead to an arrogant pleasure. Success, at an early age, leads to some Orgone filling and a self righteous attitude that confirms that nothing is wrong. Social species find security and pleasure in attention and success.    Attention moves Orgone and the possibility of deeper pleasure. I am a successful and I make the rules, reassuring the Emotional Plague. People who are addicted to success, never focus on their behavior and have no idea about armor, addiction. Their successful and that confirms reassures their attitude, their character.

 Addictive choices become a substitute for exploring help. Women are beautiful and are instinctive and find the attention addictive; men are in comparison homely and doers and use their competitive drive to attract women, all leading to substitute addictions, each other. Men need to be out seeking sovereignty; it is hard to come by in our economy. Women are attracted to success as it guarantees security, home, a place for children. After experimental sex both sexes realize their sexual dysfunction and focus on success which hide deep seated disturbances. Sex is a primary drive and can not be a substituted by babies, money or celibacy. 

The sex conundrum began in a restrictive childhood. Adults largeness can frighten spontaneous connections with the baby. Adults stillness is experienced as threatening. The baby's Orgone becomes isolated, and physically, emotionally abused. As an adult not able to experience or know pleasure, the choice is successful work.  As a result addictions becomes a way to escape  that needs to be continually repeated. Work becomes ones success and refuge. Ultimately the relationship reminds you that success without satisfaction is failure.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Blue Light

Sunny day. In my small kitchen, while reaching the fridge can almost touch the stove. I turn to go and pop, a loud pop. I turn and see a blue light disappearing. I think its a light bulb or an electrical something and I look thoroughly but nothing. After a while I forget it. 

I am working in a shop selling American flags and a guy says 
he is an ex soldier. I am compelled to tell him blue pop story. Turns out he was a nurse during the Nam war. He relates that a blue light sometimes appeared when a death occurred. The conversation was earie. Never having met him yet we shared a troubling unknown.

Days later it I remembered  my sister had died during the time of the blue pop. Now I connected the two. 
I am now connecting that blue with Dr. Reich's descriptions of Orgone as blue. The Earth is the blue planet. Giving off blue Orgone at death makes sense. Remembering the blue pop gives me the chills.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Before Your Eyes Birds and Trees

Repetitive behavior is hypnotic, its components, actions can cause mistakes by thinking the activity has been done. In a rush to complete an activity the last step can be forgotten. Focus, memory will be smothered by believing success is common.  Anxiety will be the reminder that forgetting to breathe, duh, suggests a problem. Conscious behavior has habitual patterns that hypnotize oneself into ignoring past abuses and addictive dangers.

Muscles become contracted to stop feeling, it's automatic and freezes emotions like a possum. Feelings is Orgone movement. Aha words, describing anger appears after the expression. Ones character is Orgone moving through contracted muscles.The emotions need to be expressed through the movement of Orgone. Aborted pleasure signify restricted understanding, restricted breathing. Orgone has intelligence. Its wordless experience.  

Without the love of mother for the child the culture of  greed blooms and self destruction unconsciously ends a betrayed consciousness. If one is genital, enlightened, than a fully released Orgone is pursued through mutual orgasm. Orgasm releases the excess Orgone into waves of understanding pleasure. Orgasm is the star of the universe. Humans have the template to be like the cosmos. Truth be told and its clear, superimposition is the template of the universe.

Looking for a super hero. 

Our culture derived a brutal reminder from Roman times. Conquer or die. "You servants of the state". No one wants this happening to them. For two thousand years the Kings have been working us.Their sitting by the pool, or playing golf, feeding their addictions: ignoring their ignorance. 

Super heroes is the fantasy of our times. Super heroes is a dream that would end all this ignorance. Right now super heroes in comics have increased dramatically. Fantasy is prevalent. The hard work to change society is not even understood. All of us are still in survival mode. Perhaps if we had one super hero there would be change. Otherwise its a nickel and dime world where the geniuses are martyred.  People  have always wished to fly. In dreams we fly, it's miraculous. If you could fly like a bird you would be a super hero. What would you choose? Fly off into space in a small rocket ship probably to a barren planet. Your humanity needs so much more. Wouldn't you rather choose a birds life. Living within the majestic. 

 Take a look.


I came to Bristol, R.I. because visiting I was impressed by trees, the majestic  greenery. Being here for 13 years I have felt the rooted trees, spreading their intelligent balance, strength.Speed up time you would see trees are dancers.Their expressions are portrayed in their branches, balancing their rise to the sky. Some wait for the leaves of winter to soften their art others pirouette.

There are moments when I stand next to one of my favorite trees, wide, bumps, immeasurably tall that I begin to stand taller. Looking up I see the life force balancing the branches, the thousands of leaves swaying. Trees communicate with each other underground. Its been proven that tress share carbon through their roots with neighboring trees. 

I begin to feel my toes reaching for the earth, my arms moving against the wind and I breathe in harmony. I give you carbon and returned oxygen. Trees have their roots sucking up mother earth. Orgone, reaching for the stars. Peaceful, communicators with other trees underground. If we could grow as big and strong and be as beautifully decorated we would be a super hero. 

Geese, dogs, and cats.

Animals can have super abilities.

Geese fly in formation, great distances and assign lookouts when eating. Once I saw hundreds of geese line up on the ground in a straight line. Dogs have super smell. Cats are great parents. 

Humans without Orgone abilities are purveyors of nonsense.